Modeling Armor of Operation "Iron Swords"

It’s Mk.2, so definately not from current operation in Gaza.

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My bad, guys ! Just another proof I’m no Merkava expert :wink:


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Looks like Tulkarm which is right down the road from me. About 2 miles.







That’s the Egyptian border at the Philadelphi corridor

It’s the northern border with Lebanon, western or central region:

  • not the western negev vegetation
  • mix of high fence AND concrete wall
  • high hillside in the background

Philadelphi corridor has none of those.


You sure?
It also looks like the area surrounding kilkillya and tulkarm just sayin

Here’s the caption from the Washington Post website :

Israeli troops in a tank move along a security fence on the Israeli-Gaza border on Jan. 20


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Middle East. Gaza Strip area. Tonight an Israeli military helicopter UH-60 of Unit 669 crashed there, it had previously crashed due to a technical malfunction, 2 servicemen were killed and several were injured to varying degrees of severity


So all these photos of M109s are giving me thoughts of an IDF project. I know AFV Club makes both a Rochev and a Doher. For those that have built one or both…thoughts? I know the Rochev is the newer version in service.

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I believe the Doher is the newer version. It has the automated gun travel lock and some other upgrades on the turret.

The AFV Club kits are very good. Typical AFV Club with a lot of little fiddly parts, but they are good M109s.

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Rohav is the older version Dohar the newest both went through modifications throughout their service
As for accurate kit’s these two are the most accurate you can get. The small parts are a nail biter in a few ways but I found the if you back them with the 3M blue painters tape and use a super fine razor saw you can get them off the sprue and get a good clean cut so you don’t have to search for a flea sized bit hiding in the dust bunnies on the other side of the house …


Thanks. Had them backwards, I did find a thread and see the iterations especially with the APU.

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Built the AFV Rochev. Fine kit. Metal barrel. Rubber band tracks but adequate in my opinion. AM options are available.

Avoid the Kinetic two in one kit at all costs.


The APU is often left off for some reason yet the bracket that holds it are used to hold the cammo net etc . One of the young guns in my old unit said it also depends where they are and how long they’ll be there.

I knew I was right on the location … plus up north the border doesn’t look like that in any way shape or form

Reminds me of some Vietnam era armored trucks…
