Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

Katerina: Maria, we cannot go shopping today. :sob:
Maria: But why is this, Comrade Sister? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Katerina: Our credit cards have been sanctioned. :sob: :credit_card: :credit_card::credit_card: :credit_card::credit_card::credit_card::credit_card:
Maria: WHAT?! … Hold my Vodka!!! :triumph:

Military guards shake in their ornate uniforms as infuriated Maria shoves them aside and storms into Putin’s office.:fearful::fearful:… Sounds of expensive collections soaring emanate from the room.:tornado::boom:

Maria: Sanction this, Comrade Papa!!! :boom::boxing_glove::rage:


People got invaded and murdered. These characters get their credit cards frozen. Now they know how bad things can get.

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I predict a set of figures rescuing their animals.


As far as I know, these daughters reside in the Netherlands, but it is funny…

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Yes, it is rather remarkable how much of the refugees have taken their pets with them…


Up-armoured Tigr with slat windows and ERA blocks



I think those ERA blocks are not filled with explosives…


GAZ Tigr with no uparmored hood nor smoke launchers.




fantastic pictures again, i would love to have one of those Russian ration packs so i could copy them and print up accurate versions of them as no one seems make them.

are we the good guys, or are they the good guys? Point is useless.

My absolute best friend in the world served his apprenticeship in the rubber plantations the last five months the Big Red One was in country. He was immediately made the specialist in the black art of doing mechanical mines and booby traps. I know he knows what he’s doing, and other than driving an ACAV that was his sole job. The rubber plantations were one of the toughest places on earth. The other guys were good, and knew it. They would often booby trap your mechanical mines because you took them apart every morning. Larry sets up a five Claymore mechanical in a trail crossing with the bait on one side of the trail heading due west. There are no friendlies in the area for miles and miles, so that’s not an issue. As luck would have it two women and three kids came down the trail headed east. Looked like one of the kids grabbed the bait, and sent everybody thru the meat grinder. To this very day his is deeply troubled by this event! So when somebody tells you the guy with boots on the ground doesn’t give a damn, think B.S.


Giving a damn or not.
If we leave psychopaths, narcissists and some other aside.
It also depends on the upbringing a person has had (basically what their parents and their school taught them). I bet you 5 bucks there is a difference in attitude between a kid raised by the Amish and a kid who grew up in the Soviet union, a kid raised in a rich country and someone who grew up and was forced to steal food to stay alive. There were differences between the kids in my school and we all grew up in more or less the same circumstances, some had parents with larger incomes, some were more working class but none were dirt poor. We weren’t commies either even if Sweden was run by a social democrat government back then.
Anyhow, there will be soldiers who don’t give a damn about human value because nobody has given a damn about their human value. Some are sickos and will shoot others just for the fun of it.
Most will have a conscience but even if we are born with some kind of basic conscience it is possible to abuse it out of someone and turn them into little monsters.
When a teenager can steal his daddy’s guns and slaughter other teenagers in his own school because of some perceived injustice then I promise you that they can shoot civilians for the fun of it, especially if they believe that they will not be caught. They had not planned on leaving and leaving a lot of corpses behind.
The plan was to wipe out the Nazis and all their supporters in Ukraine so they might as well shoot them right now instead of sorting through them later.

Check the Morgenthau plan and the possible outcome of maybe starving 25 million Germans to death:

Putin hoped to do something similar …

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Thank God for George C. Marshall.


Yep. Can’t be repeated often enough.
Germany was rebuilt to provide a bulwark against the communist hordes.
I wonder where Europe would have been if Morgenthaus ideas had been
made policy …




Probably up shizzer creek without a paddle lol


Frenchy, are you keeping all these images in a sub folder on your PC or you just posting straight to here from the source ?

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in a leaking canoe made from sub-standard materials


I wonder if that piece of tin on his vest will stop a bullet with his name on it?

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I am just posting pics straight to here from the source, Johnny…
