Ukrainian M109A3GN SPH’s on the move
Ukrainian M109A3GN SPH’s on the move
what kind of vehicle in the last 3 pics?
MT-LB APC/Arty Prime Mover
great thanks i have that kit but its in russian and i cant understand the vehicle type,lol
The poor Ruscists. I could almost pity them.
At least they are providing an endless supply of crazy ideas for those of us who want to build something totally different such as a Mad Max KAMAZ …
That truck engine will definitely not overheat. Ever.
it’s interesting to see that the Russians are boosting their side armour when a lot if our media is showing javelin missiles hitting the roofs of tanks snd not their sides.
The Ukrainian troops aren’t going to waste a perfectly good tank killer on a soft skin. The Ruscists know this and just want to protect themselves, and apparently their engines, from small arms fire. They’ll still meet a similar fate - another rusted hulk from which to cannibalize parts to try and protect yet another soft skin.
Michail Mouse Truck