Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis




OK, I am looking for some readily available AM track for the T 64. Recommendations?

Trumpeter makes Indy link T-64 tracks


Guys, please keep the chat on track. We all have strong views on this and I have been guilty of airing them, but lets stay focused on the images and kits that are available.


There has a been a lot of hours put into this thread and its the only valid one remaining in situ from when the invasion began. David @Klaus-Adler started it, and it has been people like H.P @Frenchy among a great many who have spent probably hours researching and looking for up to date images from the war showing kit from both sides.

There have been some humorous posts and many not so humorous which have been rightly flagged or removed.

There have been some great discussions about Veh Mks, field Mods, effects of hits and damaged caused etc etc and also, as the thread initially wanted, the various kits that are available to model them.

I enjoy coming into the thread and looking at the new images ( a great many which are not available on normal routine media sources) and seeing how people discuss them etc.

I think it is now at the stage that if people make remarks that could be seen as even slightly off topic and could lead to a heated series of tit for tat replies they, and any other replies which add fuel to the fire should be immediately flagged by us with a genuine reason and the post removed/deleted or reposted by a MOD to keep the integrity of this thread and its initial concept going for all to benefit from and enjoy.

Anything not directly related to a Veh or kit or advice/info should only straight to the About Off - Topic Shenanigans area and the discussion carried on with there.

More images please @Frenchy / @ruzzaa / @SP72



Thank you Ruzzaa and thats a great image of the rocket being launched … is that a Smerch ?

Recycling BM-21 bits…



It’s a 220-mm Uragan multiple launch rocket system.

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Here’s the BM-30 Smertch

The one in Ruzzaa’s post is a BM-27 Uragan




Thanks HP & ruzzaa :+1:

Its quite mind bending just how much kit countries have in the present day.
I remember when I was in Germany and even on Striker to a degree, most of the Soviet / Russian kit we did AFV recognition on was very straight forward … T54/55, 62, 64, 72 and 80… no mods or different versions, 2S1 & 2S3. BMP & BMD and MTLBs… all nice and easy … now the list is almost endless…

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I wonder if Sarge is a UK ex Service fighter ? or wearing donations from UK Mil surplus shops ? trousers look like 95 DPM and its defo a UK jumper with rank and crossed rifles

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They are Polish fighters for the Ukraine

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One thing hasn’t changed. It was rubbish then and its still rubbish now.

Defence analysts have confirmed that Russia’s armed forces are increasingly hollowed out and are operating at a level of degraded combat effectiveness which is probably unsustainable in the long term.

Ukrainian forces continue to disrupt Russian command and control with successful strikes deep behind Russian lines in the contested area around the city of Lysychansk. Although Russia has launched “unusually intense waves of strikes” across Ukraine using long-range missiles over the past few days.

The weapons used were highly likely to have included the Soviet-era AS-4 Kitchen and more modern AS-23a Kodiak missiles, fired into Ukraine from both Belarusian and Russian airspace, the MoD says. Did somebody already post any pictures of such equipment?

These weapons were designed to take on targets of strategic importance, but Russia continues to use them in large numbers for tactical advantage.

Russia is still progressing at just about 10km per month, maybe even less. Quantitively, UA is outgunned but qualitatively, they’re still much stronger than the invaders.


France will send VAB armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

Press release in French



(more CAESAR pics here )


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