Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

I guess I was wrong about the missing launcher…What remains of the chassis is in the background :

Another view :



Napoleon left Moscow on the 19th of october, on the 21st the heavy rains started and the first snow appeared on the 5th/6th. Ruscists are hoping that Europe will not survive this winter, but the truth is that the average january temperature in Germany last year was ABOVE zero.

A lot more babies getting born around August/September 2003. :rofl:


In Germany, it is very common for the average January temperature to be above freezing.

Well, so what? Have you tried to live without heating at this temperature?
There are no hostilities in Germany.
However, this does not apply to modeling.

@ Salekjhard

As matter of fact - yes. After I left the Army the first of many times, I lived in Berlin. My apartment was an Altbau. Local laws said you had to keep your apartment at a certain temperature, because it helped the people above, below, and next to your apartment.
Before I made a pretty good living black marketing US cigarettes, I stayed with my girlfriend quite a bit - a starving piano teacher. Needless to say we weren’t burning a lot of coal in her stove either. Well, not in the traditional sense anyway. :sweat_smile: Many was the morning we’d awake to frost on the inside of the windows.
People in post war Berlin also managed to survive. Often there wasn’t even enough gas pressure for people to commit suicide if they tried.
Kohlentheaters sprang up around the city - theater where the price of admission was a piece of coal to help keep the audience warm. So again yes, I and many before me have suffered cold winters in Berlin. And they will again if need be. Europeans will not be held hostage to anyone. Especially Berliners, as history has proven more than once.


As you can guess, the Russians had to freeze even more often and even more. But Russians will never submit to someone else’s will. And this has been repeatedly proven by history.

I like the conversation about the weather in Germany, but the question was about the winter in Ukraine in the light of military operations. I suggest that the administrators exclude the latest statements about winter Germany. Both mine and my interlocutor. Although it was nice talking to him.

Ah, so you ask a question, and when the answer doesn’t fit your narrative, you want to disappear it. One of the mods on here has learned the Stalinist ways about as well as you have. You guys should start a club. :rofl:

Waiting for him to help me win yet another bet with myself.

I try to follow the rules of the organizers of this forum. They put a lot of effort into keeping the theme of modeling. I respect them and their rules. I just can’t leave negative comments without consequences. And you are most likely an American, it is inherent in you to come up with rules and do not follow them. Lavrov was just talking about this the other day.

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Im in Germany. The heating is off and has been also last year. Two words. Good German Made Isolation. Ok 4 words, sorry…

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Hope not because that’s a T 80BVM

how did you do all the leaves? looks great!

Nice build up of the ground and the leave scatter looks very nice as well David @Klaus-Adler :+1:

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after market leaves and some basil herbs that i got from ebay and asda



I hope vertically. So he can stand trial for war crimes.

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After market leaf littler? Do you know what it’s made of? I remember in the early 80’s reading a tip in a railroad magazine - putting dead leaves in a blender. It actually worked really well. Your ground work looks very nice.

Disregard as off topic.

Here we go again.

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