Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis


nice cartoon with an M1 Abrams?

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no actually i don’t know what it’s made from, real leaves i presume. the leaves here are still green and i wanted to create a late winter early spring look.

Yes I realize that after the fact but I’m more or less talking about the surroundings, muddy ground, muddy tank and tree line is what I’m after,… now if I can just pull it off for a diorama…

it’s the reason i went for the leaf litter look for my diorama, i wanted to try a late winter diorama

I object! Take it down! That’s a horrible likeness of Pootin’! He’s wearing a shirt for one thing. Where’s the horse?


Sooo true, two of the biggest Russian disasters!!

Afghanistan contribute to demise of Soviet Union. Wonder what Ukraine “Special Military Operation” will do? :thinking:

Afghanistan didn’t do the west much good either so i wouldn’t crow over what it did to the Russians back in the 1980’s

No but I think we can all agree, that what it did to the Soviets was much more fun to watch.


knock off the political stuff or take it to the other room please.

for those of you who are interested, this is what a model looks like:



I would normally avoid a thread as politically charged as this one but a friend of mine was telling me this past Saturday at a party that the Ukrainian forces are fielding US made M1 tanks…that came as a shock to me…

I’ll be honest I’m not the best when it comes to keeping up with the news because I’m already taking meds for anxiety and watching news makes my blood pressure go thru the roof…

Anyways, I have no reason to think he was lying but it did occur to me to try to do some investigating of my own to see if it was just hyperbolic alcohol induced talking or it is a fact…

Have Ukrainian forces actually used the M1 in battle during the conflict?

there was talk of it but as fas i know it hasn’t happened. it would take a long time to train and ship them over from the USA, remember how ling tbe build up was for the first gulf war. another issue is weight at 60 tons they wouldn’t be much use on some contry roads and bridges. then there is the issue of some of them being captured by the Russians, the Americans aren’t to keen to let their military tech and secrets und up in “enemy” hands

this idea was mentioned by a retired US general on CNN.


No. There was talk as Klaus mentioned from a Ret Gen but that is as far as it has gone. A point the Gen did make was the UA bridges able to support a M1. While this would probably be the exported version of the M1 that other countries got it is still not light. Another option he mentioned was M60’s from storage. This seems like a better option to me. Optics can be on pare/good enough and the weight much lighter. Plus maintenance and technology might be easier for UA to maintain then the supply chain for the M1.


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T-62 in UA colours