Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis


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I’ve always thought the M1 is one of the coolest looking tanks ever but I’ve never been a fan of the turbine engine, the lack of range and frequent refueling probably doesn’t make sense for most countries unless the export version you guys mentioned uses a different powerplant?

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I’d be shocked if the russians didn’t already have everything they need to know about a weapon system as old as the M1, they probably already have multiple copies of them…

Saw this article last week re: US armor to the Ukraine:

Drive: The War Zone

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M1 seems not to be the case at the moment, not even the export version, it is easier to think of an exchange with a third Country, the USA gives M1 to an ally and that nation gives Ukraine another type of older and easier to use but updated tank, M-60, ex-Soviet or old Leopard … M1 is too complicated to be brought to the front quickly, heavy, thirsty without counting the risk of being captured by the enemy … then if the situation change drastically ,maybe, but I imagine in that case could be NATO troops on board

P.S .: after reading the article above in fact doing a downgrade of the more advanced and sensitive systems the M1s could be a solution but for me before bringing an M1 there are many other more practical solutions

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The whole deal is to provide Ukraine with equipment they can quickly field with minimal (if any) additional training. In the case of an MBT like the M1A2, it would take too long for Ukrainian crews (used to operate Russian made equipment) to field a completely new weapon system.

It makes more logical sense to provide them with Russian made equipment, that may be older, but properly upgraded and the crews can just jump in, turn the key and drive it to the front quickly. You also have to take into consideration the logistics. An old T-72M1 from Poland (which is replacing them with a combination of American M1A2 SEPv3, South Korean K2 Black Panthers and German Leopard 2A5) will be a more suitable tank for the Ukrainian Army, since their soldiers can quickly transition to them (since the tank is similar to their currently fielded T-64BV tanks), and maintain these vehicles without the need to have replacement parts shipped from overseas.

Just my .02


Gorbachev claimed Chernobyl’s affect on Soviet secrecy and handling of a crisis ended the Warsaw pact .

I was M60A1 qualified for years. When we transitioned to M1A1’s I had 2 weeks at Gowen Field in Idaho. If you are T80 qualified, you can be trained in 3 weeks. No one is going to tell me that an M 60A1 is more complex than a T 80. Training Mechanics will take longer.

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New from the factory on the way to the front


Do you think that if the Ukrainians are familiar with the T-80’s gas turbine engines then the transition to the Abrams (at least in terms of how to deal with the powerplant) would be a bit quicker/smoother?



Maxxpro APC

Another Ukrainian MT-LB fitted with a MT-12 Rapira 100 mm Anti-Tank Gun :

Reminds me of a WW2 German SPG…


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Russia has already supplied Ukraine with hundreds of operational tanks.
They have also left convenient ammunition depots around the countryside.
Using the M1 would only complicate the logistics since the ammo would
have to be hauled to the front instead of being prepositioned on the other
side of the frontline, …