Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

US-style (PA120) 40 mm ammo box :



Is there a live link to what sort of units the Russians are now fielding and what types of equipment they have or should have ? I am just curious as to if they are replacing destroyed very modern armour with like for like war stock or old disused kit or captured kit ? And if the Units are front line or reserve or conscript based etc

It seems to be a mix of everything. Russian soilders in intercepted phone calls (real or fake depending on personal choice of who is bad or good) are complaining that they donā€™t have the equipment they should have. For instance one single ā€œBukhankaā€ for a whole mechanized company ā€¦

This must be causing a logistical nightmare, not that they werenā€™t having one in the first place.


It most certainly does. Logistics is always a live exercise. The troops may be firing blanks but the potatoes are always the real thing. There is no such thing as blank petrol or diesel. Mechanical stuff breaks just as often on exercises ā€¦

this morning i have had to zap 20 posts that have NOTHING to do with modelling subjects from the current conflict.

if this thread canā€™t be moved to the Off Topic section for all the idiots that canā€™t follow the rules then itā€™s going to be locked.


Well, you could argue that this is a biased point of view, but then you donā€™t need to report in a biased way to underline what we know to be fact.

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Thanks for the link! :+1:

Hi David,

iā€™d be more interested in actually banning obvious homophobic rascists, regardless of whoā€™s posting itā€¦

Anyway, here is an on-topic picture, relating to ā€˜logisticsā€™.

T72B ? I get so confused lol ā€¦

I am sorry but i think this would be impossible time to time,this is not the first or second WW or Vietnam, not even some middle east warā€¦itā€™s something so much bigger and touches the whole worldā€¦think how we are going itā€™s already a huge success, first time i see the discussion i said to my self ā€œthis is going to #@$% veeery fastā€ instead itā€™s going pretty good actually :grinning: :+1: :wink:

Once bitten, twice shyā€¦Iā€™ll let the resident experts answer :roll_eyes:


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MT-LB hatches are often used as add-on armor :



AFV Recognition used to be so easy over in BAOR lol ā€¦ hardly any variants and easy features to distinguish what was what


Yes, T72B

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D-30 howitzer with early muzzle brake :

D-30M with late, double baffle muzzle brake and towing lunette assembly :



Here is a man who, along with @ruzzaa, deserves praise and respect. Especially against the background of people like me and my opponents. High-quality photos, interesting, useful in modeling, plots. Thanks a lot!


"The fighters of the Southern Military District reanimated the captured T-72AMT, produced by the Kyiv Armored Plant.

In total, a little more than three dozen units were produced, most of them have already been destroyed ā€¦

Outwardly, this modification is distinguished by the presence of elements of dynamic protection ā€œKnifeā€ on the turret and frontal part of the hull. In addition, rubber ā€œburdocksā€ and an anti-dust apron were used, making the tank look like a T-80U with a gas turbine engine."

Youā€™re welcome Yuriā€¦This thread is a long and winding road :wink:
