Anyone know of a decent 1/35 version of this one?
Just a few then! Thank you. I’ll trake a look at each of these.
Groß-Rußland lost a UR-77 (Meteorit, mine clearing vehicle, launches an explosive charge)
They look like this when they are not a scorch mark
War of the shoulder patches.
Right, but which version of A2: straight A2, SEP v1, SEP v2, etc…???
Well I now know my mission with those last two pictures.
‘New Build’ Abrams is something of a misnomer. As far as I’m aware the last truly ‘new’ Abrams was produced in about 2000 (foreign sales) and the last one for the US Army in 1994(?),
In practice, they take stored tanks (of which there are a couple of thousand or thereabouts), strip them back to their component parts and then re-assemble them for the customer to whatever specification is required.
Correct, they will be newly-rebuilt M1A2 something(?)s as opposed to older (or currently in US Army service) tanks cleaned up and shipped over.
Which would be delivered much quicker and still outclass anything currently on the battlefield.
My understanding is that the US M1A2s are to re-equip the Ukranian army after the war is over. The LOEs coming from other European counties are to win the war with.
Can the Tamiya 1:48 M1A2 be used to make a UA or do we still need to know more? I am thinking it may be like the other exported A2’s and not like the newest SEP V3 etc version.