Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis





Guys, serious question. There is talk here in germany that there was a real tank battle 3 destroyed Abrams tanks and ±70 destroyed russian APCs and tanks. Deos anyone have info on that ?

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Edited because this post was flagged for some odd reason.

The OP comment (which is still viewable ??) was asking about a possible battle in which a certain number of M1s were lost . I then googled it and found some references to the below subject about M1’s being withdrawn due to drones. In my opinion, both the original question and my response were in the boundaries of being on topic as it concerned weapon systems in the current conflict. At no point was any malicious or derogatory comments made about either side and nor were tactics. I am unsure as to why anyone would take offence to this or flag it as like I said, I believe the responses and questions were legit. Could the OP have posted in a new topic, possibly, but if that was the case, then someone simply saying that or asking one of the admins to move that part of the question/responses would of been a bit better than flagging like we had committed a hate crime. I am positive if I scrolled back through this entire thread, I would find a lot more well off topic areas than this.

Original reply. There are multiple media sources saying the Ukrainian forces have withdrawn all M1’s from frontline service due to drone attacks. Not sure how correct that is or if anyone has a direct statement from the Ukraine side ?

Edit ----- See below — fake news.

Flagged as off-topic, hopefully this discussion will get moved.

“I found me this nice and cosy shed and I will take it with me wherever I go so that nobody steals it from me”

I suppose the only real benefit of looking like a shed/building is when you’re stationary, otherwise it is rather obvious that it isn’t a shed/building.

I believe it is widely accepted (amongst RuZZian bloggers too) that this design is intended to protect the large amount of ECM equipment mounted to the vehicle.

Except when it is stationary an overhead observer will see a pair of track marks leading into a shed and think “Oh, there’s something in that shed worth blowing up


Thing is, is anyone going to make a kit of this monstrosity?

Shouldn’t be too difficult to scratch build.
Random styrene sheet, some Evergreen profiles
and have a go at being Ivan the welder

Its a bonus for anyone who doesn’t appreciate minute detail on their builds.

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This one is supposed to be a Russian T-62



It is, The wheel spacing is correct.
One of these will be a great way to use up one of those Trumpeter T-62s without fiddling with the angle of the engine deck.


Gentlemen, i had to deal with almost a dozen flagged posts when i got up. If you have a bug up your butt about what the tactics the Russians and Ukrainians are using then feel free discuss it in the Off Topic Shenanigans area.

kind regards


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The thing is once the ground dries and dust becomes a problem, if they hang canvas skirts over the wheels/suspension you won’t actually need a kit at all




is it m2a3?


No, Ukraine got/is getting M2A2 ODS-SA Bradleys. M2A2 ODS-SAs do not have the CITV on the right rear of the turret.

Magic Factory offers a kit of one.


looks like Minecraft are doing IFV’s now lol


If you have an Abrams kit That you purchased a while ago that’s been on your workbench for a long time. And may not finish maybe you could do this ?
This would make a good diorama or the same tank on the battlefield.
Obviously you could do he same with Russian wrecks.