Moving and the New Hobby Room

Oooooooh look Magic Track…

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@SSGToms That one is on you Matt, after seeing how easy you made painting narrow yellow stripes look in your painting guide :slight_smile: :wink:

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Hey more power to ya Wade!

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Sounds like a target-rich location. Some face paint, surrounding the perimeter with camo netting and playing Wagner’s ‘The ride of the Valkyries’ really loud should do the trick. :thinking: Hmmm… on second thought, maybe play a different tune…

The Valkyrie, by Hans Makart, 1877.


Maybe play the sound of Jason’s chain saw.


Or the theme from Jaws.

Finally got the reference library moved :slight_smile:
Just have to re-organize it now. It’s been over three and half year since it’s been sorted.


Takes forever it seems to get started building again. However, the library is organized and set up again. Unread books in the crate on top of course.

Discovered two duplicate books…or maybe the books reached critical mass and are reproducing :slight_smile:

With an 18 pound rambunctious Tomcat in the house that’s chewed through a screen door to get outside and torn a screen out of a window to get back in cause he’s fat and got hot safely of completed models is a concern.

18 pound furry wrecking ball

Decided to add covers to the book shelf to keep him out of it. He’d already tried to claim a couple of shelves as napping spots.

Secret weapon to keep him out of the hobby room completely is a very territorial Turkish Van Cat…

Plan to move the completed models today and works in progress:)


So far the acrylic sheet has proved resistant to our 18 pound furry cannonball.


Getting close to getting back in the game :video_game: but still tweaking the new room layout.

Fiance insisted the extra 42 inch wide Big Chair be stowed in hobby room a few weeks ago to get it out of our way until someone came to pick it up…

Turns out no one wants the monster chair due lack of space for it so guess where the chair is staying wink :wink:

Wreck one carefully laid plan to squeeze into half the space …so with :lemon: make lemon aid.

However as with all things there are winners and losers…guess who the biggest winner ended up being…

It’s harder to get into the stash now but still workable just have to slide the big chair out.

Kali says her new hobby chair is purrfect.

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No Vet or shelter/rescue mission willing to take? Unless damaged they take anything of use.

Slide the offending chair into the backyard, then a little gasoline and a match…
Problem solved.


I should rephrase - family or friends don’t want the chair. If it proves to take too much space, I will definitely see if Vet or shelter/rescue mission would accept if she won’t gor for Matt’s Bonfire & Burning Chair idea :fire:

BTW - definitely the winner in New Hobby Room Lottery…


I do like Matt’s idea. The last two pics is what we say in the house is a rookie mistake. Got to loop the cord high so it’s not a play toy.


Finally back in the game :slight_smile:

Lighting in the new room has quickly proved unacceptable. Due to lack of space the old triple bulb floor lamp had to be replaced. But the rooms ceiling light fixture had the biggest issue old one nasty yellow glow 60 watt bulb and DOA bulb.

Replaced both with a pair of white LED bulbs. Added two LED lamps as well. Now the light seems at least as good as the prior room.

While she lost her table to storage, Kali did score a new chair by the work bench.

What’s better than one cat in the hobby room…

Amazingly, Joey cat who pretty much gets on everything and knocks it into the floor has learned…not to get on the workbench:) My fiance can hardly believe her Tomcat doesn’t mess with anything in the hobby room and only gets in the approved chairs and cat tree :wink::grinning::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He got on the desk four times and was calmly removed from the desk and told the magic word “NO” very firmly and removed from the hobby room.

The fifth time he got on the desk, he was told magic word “NO” very firmly and same tone "Do that again, you’re banned for life, all nine of them from the hobby room" and was removed from the hobby room. He cried, whimpered and mewwed at the door wanting in for a bit.

He hasn’t been on the workbench since and that was three weeks ago :slight_smile:


I really only let the one cat in the hobby room. Mostly cause he jumps on my lap only but once he starts exploring out he goes. The other one sneaks in to get petted but soon out the door he goes. They both like to chew on plastic, mostly bags but you never know and not worth the risk. I have enough challenges to finishing a kit. The third (daughter’s) usually only paws under the door and that’s cause he thinks it’s lunch time and he wants me to feed him.

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Definitely agreed, exploring cats :cat2:out the door…nothing good will come of that :slight_smile:

I had a calico named Neutron that was so chill, she sat and slept on the far corner of the hobby desk. She had her own heat lamp, an old small bulb reading lamp. She’d even perch on my shoulder and watch the building.

Several friends were shocked that she NEVER messed with any model stuff. She would snatch the ham and salami out of a sub sandwich given half a change however.

The two cats above would behave similarly but there isn’t room for 32 pounds of cats on the desk. 14 & 18 pounds respectively. Neutron was a small kitty only 6 pounds max.

Neutron’s lamp isn’t used anymore but stays on the desk…


My desk is never that clean to take that much cat. Both are around 15lb mark.

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