My Rolling Stock Your Rolling Stock . show and tell thread

Aha! gee that took me way too long to spot what you did there Mike, very nice & seamless as always! Well I’ll call you Casey as long as you don’t call me Shirley, but no that isn’t the problem with that image, there’s a muuuuuch worse one… :mag: :mag_right: let’s just say it doesn’t sit right with me anyway :grimacing:

You’re too kind but I really can’t take any credit for that photography, partly as it was (and still is) just my teeny Olympus toy camera on full Auto – my only contribution was pressing the big button, and partly I couldn’t get the sun out of the way as I’d wanted to - pure dumb luck they came out that way!

That’s a great looking Mogul - what scale’s that & how do you score free locos? I need to know! :tumbler_glass:


The only thing I can see with my terrible vision is the leading left wheel doesn’t seem to “sit” on the rail properly. That’s all I got.:thinking: … Regardless, beautiful work and stunning photography as usual! :hammer_and_wrench: :camera_flash:


We have a winner! Thanks & well done Mike (nice, stereo Mikes)

I don’t think I’m the only one to be blind to embarrassingly obvious defects in one’s own photos, there’s a couple more too in those pictures which I originally posted on the old site maybe 5 years ago. I remember only noticing the wheel as I was uploading, uncroppable-outable but I still liked it too much :sob: :tumbler_glass:


Wheel? … What wheel?:man_mechanic:



Good grief! Stereo Mikes to the rescue, that’s got both enhancements included…thanks guys that’s awesome :clap: :clap: :clap: :tumbler_glass:


In my best Bill Clinton voice: “I did not touch that model” :innocent:


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:rofl: I’ve just been purging my image files of the original & replacing it with that one, nobody will ever know :zipper_mouth_face:…hmm I oughta purge this thread too! :tumbler_glass:

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I studied that photo for a goodly amount of time and never caught the wheel issue!
Dang Left Channel Mike beat me to it!

That 2-6-0 Mogul engine is On30 and it was the last such item (perviously owned and broken) in the shop of a friend and he gave it to me as much to get rid of it as anything.

Best Regards
Right Channel Mike

p.s. Hopefully we can all agree I managed to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.


This is the ‘RXR show and tell’ thread. Please submit with abandonment


OK then . . . . Abandonment It Is!

Several American Flyer S Scale Locomotives I managed to restore and perhaps “beautify”:


My little “bathroom” photo studio"


S-160 Lend-Lease WWII US Locomotive:

1/35th scale pre-production sample from Commander Models currently a work in progress.

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Looks like good detail. Did the cracks in the wheel happen when you drilled the axle holes?

It’s a long story and I won’t get into it here: but no, those wheel marks had nothing to do with my drilling out the axle centers and replacing them with plastic rod.

This RR model is all made from very high quality, very workable resin.

Also I am now in the process of 3D printing my own tender wheels as Commanders tried to cast the entire axle and wheel assembly as one large piece. However I think I might have a better idea for this.

As you might imagine, this kit arrived all very well packed in a rather large, rather heavy cardboard carton.

Absolutely the ONLY thing that got broken in shipment was the very delicate supports for the front pony truck. These were easily rebuilt using some Evengreen plastic “angle iron”.

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It is somewhat amazing just how flexible, strong, resilient and “plastic”* the Evergreen material is. I routinely replace the outside rearview mirror stalks and the width indicators on all my vehicle models with the Evergreen products.

*In this case the word plastic is used to mean; “malleable, moldable, flexible”. Concrete, iron and steel are all plastic in this sense of the word.


I couldn’t agree more about the properties of Evergreen - in this example two strips of angle glued/bent together in a balsa jig…



OK Tim ~ I was highly impressed with your modeling skills even BEFORE you showed us this!

Is this for the “assassination” diorama?

Thanks & yep it’s Anthropoid aka a Pain-in-the-assassination…

:grimacing: :tumbler_glass:


Spell-Check didn’t help me that time!

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Tim you are definitely one to demand maximum detail!
Modeling street railway trackage right down to the presence of the “flange guard” rails in the street.
I’m highly impressed with this one! ~ Kudos!

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Cheers but I wouldn’t recommend it as a recipe for a long life or resisting male pattern baldness. Combined with accommodating the tracks within the DIY cobbled surface & aligning them across the two halves of the base was a monumental PITA, I guess my inherited Yorkshire & Irish genes pulled (or pushed) me through :persevere: :tumbler_glass: