NATO’s plan was always to use nuclear weapons - albeit hopefully at the tactical level; this probably does reflect considerable wishful thinking. What was a bit of a shocker was when we discovered post 1989 that Sov/Warsaw Pact plans envisaged a massive nuclear strike from the start.
I have to take issue a little with Lee’s assertion (above) that their kit was lacking. From the late 70s to the end of the Soviet bloc, there were qualitative improvements in most of their arsenal. General Zaitsev - Commander GSFG 1980-85 - in particular accelerated the introduction of very capable equipments and also made doctrinal and organisational advancements such as establishing Operational Manoeuvre Groups.
The military liaison missions in East Germany continuously observed and reported on all of this and NATO had every right to be worried, as indeed, it was. GSFG (later WGF) was a very capable organisation; they were well equipped, undertook rigorous training, well led (within the confining strictures of the Communist system) and I suspect would have ultimately prevailed. I think NATO would not have made it easy for them, but would, as I say, go nuclear quite soon.
GSFG/WGF was a very different beast to today’s Russian Army.
The exercises I was involved in at Army Group level normally went “nuclear” after around 5-6 days. That of course, was within the exercise scenarios, but these documents were carefully drafted, and drew on lots of experience and hard-won intelligence.
I do recall, even though on exercise, the shudder that ran down my spine upon hearing over the speakers “SACEUR has authorised nuclear release”, let alone the chilling reports from the constituent Corps Commanders once nuclear warfare was underway.
I personally, doubt the massive nuclear strike scenario; I cannot see the Soviets wishing to occupy irradiated ground; there would be scant advantage in them so doing. I could see that massive chemical strikes would be used (probably with non-persistent agents), but again, as we all know, fighting ability in NBC conditions is hard to maintain.