Old School Shadow Painting & Finishing - Primer

Ok Ive been working on this Trumpy 1/35 STRV-103C for the past day ( Only added thing is some anti slip texture and I drilled out some holes.) and just got to the painting stage so I thought why not show some pics of the progress as Im painting it much like Wade.

Here it is with the NATO green applied.

I painted it over a black primer coat and after I (spottily) sprayed the base green I added a bit more buff into the airbrush cup and started spraying in panels and such. I really like how the effect looks on the jerry cans hanging off the sides.

Now If I can keep doing this effect with the next 3 colors in this splinter camo I think this will look awesome.

EDIT: Wade if you dont want this here clogging your thread I can delete the post.


Ezra why don’t you start your own thread on this?


Ezra you built in a day what would take me a month…

I recently picked up this kit at a swap meet. I bought the RB Model barrel for it, but you seem to have managed the kit’s 2 piece one well. Good luck with the other colours.


Ezra, The STRV-103C is looking great!

You’re of course welcome to post in this thread. That’s nicely done shadow painting!

Your STRV-103C is looking great and it really deserves its own thread as @SSGToms Matt mentions so more people can see and appreciate. Please feel free to add updates as the model progresses. You’re doing impressive work and really deserve your own thread for this build.

That’s an amazing amount of progress! I might get the road wheels cleaned in that amount of time.

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WoW … I read the topic all in one breath, i love you work and awesome explanations

Tell me about that!..my son is a ten years old Aspie’s, obsessed with chemistry, physics and science/history in general,I LOVE IT, let’s say rather above average at his age, the problem is that he is aware of it … :innocent:… and without any malice he never misses an opportunity to remind anyone, like when he corrected the history teacher in front of a hundred students, teachers and parents starting with the phrase “no offense but …”, to which I immediately thought "ok now he offends her by making her pass for stupid in front of everyone "… :rofl:…and the problem is that 99% of the time he’s right, but he was 7 and she was about fifty!.. :triumph:…Asperger it’s not a problem it’s a superpower :man_superhero:


:laughing::rofl::joy::joy_cat: that makes my day:)
That’s priceless:)

I bet that made her day as well :wink:

Thank you for the kind words & taking time to read the thread :slight_smile:

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Oh mate every teacher at school know my son,even the teachers never have in class and they love him but at the same time kind of scared :flushed::joy:

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Done Matt. Good idea, I dont wanna clog Wades thread! :sweat_smile:

I recently picked up this kit at a swap meet. I bought the RB Model barrel for it, but you seem to have managed the kit’s 2 piece one well.

Its honestly quite a nice kit, a RB barrel though is a nice addition to the kit. Hope your build will go smoothly!

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Very nice . I like the way you are building in some mapping with your paint .

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Ezra here is the trick to using Wades method with white. @Armor_Buff . It is called complimentary colors and no i am not crazy … Lay down a deep blue or purple in the recessed areas the same way Wade does it and then over spray with kiss coats , finally back fill the rest with white .

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To summarize , Ive seen a ton of Panzer IV on the tables , but yours is a visual tour of excellence

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Never any offense taken. The only time I really used a light was poor lighting at/in the venue. Always carried a light just for that reason. I would tell other people (to include judges) that I judge in natural light/natural expected settings, as much as I can…since there is no spot lights used on real vehicles in such circumstances. Today, I could care less about lighting…I judge with what is available…and quit even bringing my own Mag. By the way, I use to live in the R2 area at one time…with numerous trips up and down the East Coast. Now I live in Florida R11 (funny how we have our own 1 state region)…


Really nterested to learn your cleaning ritual, I learned the hard way to improve mine, using Iwata Neo atm so a bit different but valuable

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I am looking to see the process of splintering the paint job on the 103.

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Hopefully @Panzer_modeler Ezra, will post an update on his trumpeter-1-35-strv-103c in his thread and here as well. I’d like to see more of the 103 as well.

Ahhhh sorry guys, this ones resting on the shelf of shame rn… :pensive:
I need to get a few other builds done before I will finish the painting.

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