Period Signage you can use on your Railroad:

Stopped and took these today on the way home. I drive by this grain elevator all the time and today I figured I would grab a couple of quick pictures. I want to stop one of these days and take several photos of the whole facility for a photo feature for the RailRoad Modeling page.

The east side of the elevator.

The current logo.

And the main reason I wanted to stop and take these pictures is this old logo that is really weathered. Kind of hard to read the last part. It says…Trisco Feeds - Made For This Climate.

Randy :slight_smile:


Something the group might be interested in:

I recently came across what I think is a complete set of Plasticville cardboard Billboard signs from the 50s & 60s. I have now scanned them and done what I could (short of totally recreating them) to improve them visually.

Enjoy a Blast from the Past!


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Latest effort:




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Here are Harv’s Lumber Yard and Fox Hotel signs, now all squared up, flattened, brightened and cleaned up just a bit:

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I’m drinking RC Cola right now.

Next up: Chapman Motors
A little custom sign work honoring a very good friend of mine.


Coke9 ®

Or perhaps a more aged and faded version:

Coke9Fadded ®



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This is a pretty awesome collection, Gents, thanks for posting!

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Here is the latest; “Brasso” sign I have been working on. Still working on the “Orange Crush.”
(I got bored!)

Used to have to polish the chrome metal “Static Drum” of our big Xerox copier once a week with this product. (c 1970)

PolishB I hope you can make use of some of these. Please spread the word.

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OK, here is Frenchy’s “Orange Crush” sign I am now calling finished. I could do much more to sharpen edges and increase resolution but any more improvements I might do would only show if it were printed larger than 8" x 10".

Even as an O Scale billboard this artwork should now be more than adequate.


Seen here, some recent work incorporating a number of examples of the signage available to be downloaded from this thread:

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Here is something that may or may not be useful to the group:

Working at the local hobbyshop I have encountered both an HO and an O/S Plasticville “Super Market.” In both cases the artwork showing the market interior was missing. I downloaded the artwork from the internet and went about cleaning up and doing some (IMHO) improvements to the color selections.

Here is the finished HO Super Market and the properly sized printable artwork for both the HO and the O/S scale versions.

Artwork for the HO Version:


Artwork for the O/S Version:

p.s. Here is the Flyer Artwork in its’ original factory colors, so take your pick:

sScreen Shot 2021-08-18 at 1.46.56 PM

Some Gas and Oil Signage you might enjoy:





Just click on the image and drag it to your desktop.

And just one more that might hang in Hank’s garage/workshop:

Couple of somethings new for this thread:
Railway Express Agency signage and a Bell Telephone sign.

As to the REA artwork; if reproducing it at a small size (such as HO) I would suggest you use my one page below that has multiple signs ganged all together. It is intended to be greatly reduced as I have spent some time opening up and refining the small lettering so it remans more readable as you go down in size. I printed that ganged sheet at 23% to produce the HO sizes you see in the model photo.


Here is the ganged artwork below: (All one piece)


Just a quick phone photo tonight to show the finished result.)

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415530033_747759614052617_9155358872125938600_n ®

More photos on that recent Rico Station rehab:

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