Reloading and Shooting

Just buy more projectiles.


snap caps, yes for memory control, but for the changing distances and positions its harder. And going red dots to irons depending on weapon its to many variables unless always spending time shooting at 10 and 25.

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I thought about getting a Barret .50. But the only range able to run it is over 65 miles away. But they had 1000yd and 1500 I think. I liked the idea of trying to master distance. Just dont have access to ranges with good distance. most max at 100, Which is a waste of time with an AR unless 9mm I guess.

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I shoot MCB Quantico Range 4 (1000 yards) most weekends March through October.

I’m too old and creaky to lay on a mat during the winter.

If you have any other questions, PM me.


Gee…when will the gov’t legalize Browning M2’s? What fun that’ll be!!
:smiley: :canada:

In the U.S., they are legal with the proper license and fees.

Who Can Own a Full-Auto Machine Gun? - RocketFFL

Nice look to a Barrel. How did you even begin to start making a choice on scope?

another useless but fun video. Completely useless skill, but man does it look cool 😎🤣 - YouTube

Had a friend in model club that used to own a .30 cal M1919 Browning. He had his class 3 and collected guns after selling his business back in the 1980’s etc. It was a fun investment for his kids he said. He felt it would go up in value etc.


There are only a limited amount of Class III items available for ownership these days since all must have been privately owned or manufactured before 1986.

This drives the price of the available CIII arms into the stratosphere.

This is definitely a wise investment on your friends part. When they’re transferred to heirs, they’ll be worth significantly more.


This would have been a good way to spend $17.50 back in day. I still need one to complete my Sidearms of the US Army collection, but damn…

There was one for $150,000 but I can’t seem to find it now.


it might be in the evidence room for alex baldwin.

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Not my actual pic. this was my first at 18 to learn bowling pin match. long story but a
family member stole it from me and sold it.
The bottom one is how the pistol could be bought in kit form.


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That’s a Dan Wesson?

Rather than repeat the story I’ll just link to this:

yes DW

My lady instructor shot SW686 was kinda of found of it and still am. it was a .357 but we blew .38 thru it for training as it was much cheaper. So many dont know you can do that.

I guess I’m one of the lucky few who does know. One of the benefits of being iced in for three days:

Unfortunately had about 100 more cases than bullets
But with the .357 Magnum from last month -

And all the .45 ACP and 9mm posted previously, I may have enough to last me the weekend. :grinning:

Wow. I just noticed this on the side of the box I use for my .357. That box has been around a bit.


I somehow missed this thread until today, but here are two of my favorite smells in the morning


MMMMMM, hoppes does it for me also.

Damn dude. I thought my fifty round box of .357 Mag was old. How long ago was a tin of Hoppe’s $.70?