That comes from my dad’s stash. He’s had that one since the seventies along with that unopened bottle of number 9. I had to go take almost all of his stuff from him last year. Alzheimer’s is creeping up on him fast. Couldn’t get him to turn loose of his Kimber 45. Said I could have it when he’s dead. Not sure I want it that bad since I already have one, but that Alzheimer’s is some terrible s**t which keeps me worrying about his safety and that of those around him. He’s never shot anyone by accident and, due to his work he’s had a gun within arms reach since the late fifties, but
I also got an unused box of .45 ball that may be WWII vintage from him. It’s from Olin with a lot number that looks like a date in the forties, but I don’t know anything about how that relates to date of manufacture. I’ll dig it out of the safe and post a picture. I know it’s at least as old as the 1970’s
My mother died of Alzheimer’s some 20 yrs ago. She wasn’t a gun owner, however…mid stage Alzheimer’s consequences are loss of recognition of people (especially close family members), and paranoia (believing people are conspiring against them, or planning to rob them). Not a good combination for someone owning firearms, and probably still remember how to use them!
It’s tragic.
Yep. It stinks on ice. Fortunately, he just has short term memory issues, no paranoia problems. He trained guvment people for many years in firearms and stuff, before that he did what he later trained others to do.
Here’s pictures of other stuff I got, not counting the M1A1.
I own five Ruger Blackhawks in 45LC. One is an older four cock action. Two are convertables. Love that action and round. I shoot a Linotype 250 grain Keith style (Lyman mold) bullet under AA#9. Burns extremely clean and recoil is mild. Have used #7 in the past, but like #9 best.
I also load 44 mags, and shoot a S&W Custom Shop 629 with an 8" barrel and a 2x scope. I also use #9 with this gun, and shoot on the ragged edge of barrel leading. Then I have two T/C barrels in 12" and 14" that are also 44mag. I took another 44 barrel and reamed it out for 445 Super Mag. It shoots good, but needs more work on load development
I’m a dedicated paper puncher! Have too many target quality rifles for the time I have on hand.
What press are you using? I use a Forster, but also load with a K&M arbor press with Wilson dies.
I throw powder with a Culver measure and a reworked Lyman. I couldn’t live without the Culver. I prime most pistol stuff of the Forster press, but all rifle stuff goes thru a hand held K&M
two things come to light here:
my girl friend has been begging me to teach her to shoot. Cold day in hell with her temper. Another issue is that I only own one 22lr pistol and she ain’t getting her hands on my 22lr target rifles! Everything else is big bore except for a couple 6mm’s. I can see her starting out with a 30-06 or a Weatherby 270 mag!!
same girl friend has been on my but to teach her to flyfish!!! Never, as in snow ball’s chance in Hades!! To start off with I’d wring her neck trying to do this. Offered to send her on an all expense paid vacation to let Paula Begly teach her, but she says no!
I have a Savage single shot bolt gun in 6mm/.250 Ackley in a 1:8 twist barrel. It’ll punch holes in a coyote at 800 yards. I figure the barrel has about 400 shots left in it. Then it’ll become a 2" long 6mm improved with everything being similar to the old case, but with a 35 degree or a 30 degree shoulder. I’m leaning to loath that 40 degree shoulder due to the pain of reaming out the doughnut inside the neck. The gun is a ligit quarter inch gun, but think the .300" long neck and the different shoulder angle will make it a .200" gun. Can it be done? I think so, as the exact same rifle in 22-250 will shoot very low twos and high ones,
She has a bad temper? Do you own kitchen knives? Ever hear of Lorena Bobbitt? Do you ever go to sleep?
from now on to be referred to as “The Gabon Viper”! She has a lot more going for her than her bad side, but she does have one. I can tell her I’m going fishing for the better part of a week, but I’ll be back. She’ll call me to see what’s up, and I’ll tell her nothing but snakes. Then she’ll ask me just where I am, and I’ll say New Mexico up near Chalma. What are you doing out there? Just chasing the big ones. Three more days and she’ll call again to see if I’m done. I’m out on the Deloris River in Colorado heading north. Then the next time she calls I’ll be in Wyoming on the Tongue River. About done, and I say a couple more days. Next time she calls I’m in Montana up in the Bear Tooth, but I’m staying in Red Lodge. Tell her I’m heading home very soon. On the way back I usually spend the night in S. Dakota, and somebody tells me about Spearfish. I’m back at it again. I spend a day and a half and stop off in Minnesota to say hi to my daughter. Now I’m ten hours from the house, and down to about two hundred dollars. I get home at dusk and she’s setting in the drive way waiting for me. Then she’ll say you wanta go out for awhile? We go out the next night, and dance till all the places are closed and I’m ready to die a swift and painful death!
The woman is the party animal of a life time. She tells me all the other guys are boring (I thought I was). Never a dull day with her, and always expect to be surprised. I watched her slap a “challenge coin” on a table at an American Legion once (where did she come up with that?) when a guy dropped his. I of course tossed mine out there, and she asked me what was going on? I told her that who was caught without one had to but the beer. The she bangs a 5th SF Challenge Coin on the table. I’d never seen one! Promptly tells the rest she have an Absolute Gin & Tonic in an extra cold glass. I was proud of her! Then she asked them if they wanted to go another round as she had a second coin (196th Infantry). Guy never came back as a combat unit’s challenge coin rules every time. On the dance floor there is no one better, and she’ll dance you into a slow death. I can usually keep up with her, but as of late I’m slowing down.
Kinda like having a tiger by the tail. Tough to hang onto and even tougher if you let go.
let me put it this way: I asked her to marry me several years ago (she could be a fantastic catch). She said yes, and then called me to back out 48 hours later (I had a sigh of relief). Then maybe six months later I asked her to marry me in her driveway with her daughter as a witness. She said yes. I don’t even remember asking her! About three days later she asked me if I asked her to marry me. I guess I did, and her daughter said it was true. She begged her way out of it, and I let out a sigh of relief!!! I have not popped the question again as my brain is smarter. Yet she has now asked me to marry her at least eight or nine times (I always find away to get distracted).
Honestly she would kill me if we got married! Yet what away to die! Trust me she is fun to be with, but comes with luggage. She doesn’t seem to care in the least about my vices, and I can’t figure her’s out. She is the only person I really care about being with on the dance floor, but I do cut a rug with a few from time to time. She’s very attuned to Veteran’s issues, and will make that stand on behalf of any veteran. I hate the way she cooks, but she is a good cook. I can deal with that as I’m a better cook, and she will tell you that. I once took her into a certain cigar store (another vice), and it was like she’d been in there a hundred times before. There just seems like nothing she’s not in to.
One thing she’s way ahead of me is in the world of wine. I can get by, buy she’s in another world. We’ve closed one winery after another, and I have no idea what we drank but it was good. I have her beat on whiskey and scotch, while she has taught me a lot about gin and what makes a good martini. (I did at one time think I knew a good one). She’ll drop by and bring a bottle of wine, and go upstairs and bring back a dozen or so LP’s to listen to. I’m way ahead of her in that department, but she’s gaining ground rapidly. We’ll listen to this and that, and make her usual “this is the best statement.” I’ll tell her it’s good, but there’s better. I introduced her to Miles Davis and Rostropovich, and she liked that, but is having a hard time with Ray Wylie Hubbard. I put her quite away ahead of her peers.
I have said more than once that i’m done with her, and certain she has said the same thing. Then she’ll show up and we start all over again. Been this way for 15 years (16 in April). Valentines Day is around the corner, and I’m certain we’ll go out (always do). BUT this time I ain’t eating snails!!! I can eat just about anything, but not a second time around!! I’ve danced with her on street corners all over downtown Indy (not safe now as I quit carrying), but they know us when we walk in. I don’t beg for a server, the drinks are on the way as we walk in the door. Guys I now make passes at her all the time, and she always tells me later in laughter (she’d kill them). I never respond as jealousy is a form of weakness
I like the cut of your jib, my friend.
Flat trigger for me.
Have you tried bouncing all FCU’s around in each and see which one works best for each model?
I have played around some. The newest FCU with a modified trigger bar (on the Compact) seems to have less take up and is crisper with the stock trigger.
Good news is that none have gone off on their own!
yeah, might have more of a chance depending on which cities police force you seem to work for.
Cops are some o the worst shots and/or gun handlers I have ever seen. Not all, but most. And events in the past few years seem to point to the fact that they have little common sense, to wit:
Shooting and killing a little girl in a mall with an AR-15/M4 because the cop didn’t know what was behind his target
Shooting at a dog and killing its owner instead
Shooting a guy wielding a knife - in a wheelchair
Finding it necessary to use hand sanitizer - more than once - while children were being killed, and doing nothing about it
The list unfortunately goes on and on.
In fact, the only drop fires with P320’s I’m aware of are police related. I honestly think after “the first one” the rest of them used it as an excuse when they had a Deputy Fife style ND.
exactly, I would go on but someone for sure would jump on here with an opinion without facts and fail to show any when you point out the flaws in the opinion.
That’s why most UK police are limited to a truncheon!