
Hi Friends,

Quick update.

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Plenty going on on the work bench.

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Lots of detail in these kits. I added a short length of 0.2mm wire for the straps.

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The trees were dusted up a bit more and the elements of the welding equipment are now done.

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There’s plenty of more things to add, but you get the idea.

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A little desiccated tree here and there will help with the look.

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Some left-over wood scrapes from the bench model will add interest… I hope.

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A few rocks thrown in should enhance the appearance.

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Now to get the welding tanks installed.

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And a small rock fire to heat things up.

Thanks Everyone.


Wonderful update HG… Loads of cool details going in …thoughts on figures yet ?


Thanks John, but sadly I don’t have any on hand so that will have to come later when I can buy some.


I think you have plenty to be going on with HG …:+1:


Another great update HG. :+1::+1:


Thanks @Tank_1812 Ryan,

More to come on this one, hee hee.


Might want to scrap the joint seams off those British gas tanks. Also only modern gas tanks now come in bright metal and they are usually stainless steel. 40s and 50’s gas tanks would always be painted to reduce the chances of rust.

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An FYI; in the 30s’ 40s, 50s and even today, oil has been used in transformers to insulate and to pull excess heat away from the coils. This transformer, just as ones built today, are big welded fish tanks full of oil and will almost always have some form of exterior cooling vanes or radiators to pull the heat away using convection. Modern transformers often will even have outside mounted electric fans blowing on the vanes to produce additional cooling.

There are modern day molded coil transformers (1970s on) that use only air for cooling with no oil but these are prohibitively expensive and used only in special applications.

Question: Just what are these guys resupplying? Are they toping off the oil in the reserve oil tank of the transformer? Why the welding gear? Are the steel I beam structural supports breaking down and need to be reenforced? Was there some battle related damage?

Note on recent terroristic attacks on electrical substations around this county. You take a high powered rifle with some form of armor piercing rounds and shoot holes in the bottom of the oil tank. Then you go away and wait for the oil to drain out and the transformer to overheat and catch fire. Unless the damage is caught durning routine maintenance it may take days or weeks before the transformer actually fails and catches fire.

This would make the prefect transformer sub-station to sit outside servicing RE500’s tank factory"

Hi Folks,

Quick update.

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The welding tanks are all painted and epoxied into place. Trust me, they are not going anywhere HA HA. Yes the hoses need to be bent down a bit, but I know all of that. Just bear with me through the process.

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I needed to put the decals on prior to completing the fine detail painting and have everything ready for the dull coat. That coat will allow me to add dirt pigments later, as you’ll see.

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Here’s the first brown tone for the wheels. There will be a few more tones added later to match the roadway.

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This AK super chrome is awesome. Make sure your parts are flat and upright so the chrome floats to the top.

Huge thanks to @staff_Jim for allowing us to post articles and PLUSMODEL for sending this sample of an amazing kit. Also to Sunward Hobbies for getting my purchases to me super fast. As always, thanks to you for having a look.


Moving along with some speed now HG. Nice little update and very good progress. The welding gear is looking nice as is the decals and the extras you showed us all. :+1:


Quick update folks.

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Chevy going together.

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PE grill on.

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Transformer slowly getting finished.

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Plenty of weathering to do.

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Pinning the truck to the base.

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Loads of detail in this model.

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Lots more to come on this one.


This is looking super HG. The transformer is turning out to be a cracking model in its own right, and the details with the welding kit and the truck going by keep adding to the story. Really great work :+1:


Looking great HG. :+1::+1: