Rfm m1240 a1


The AK color looks good but I started with what I had on hand, Testors gloss yellow acrylic as a base sealed with Krylon acrylic clear followed by a black artists acrylic wash thinned with Fantastic cleaner. Next up was a cadmium yellow oil paint drybrushing allowed to dry followed by an application of yellow ochre , both colors were lightened with white and raw sienna .


Stellar job here , wheels and tyres look real good . I almost did the same with the seats , i put the wrong ones i made in the rear position. But i dont think yours matter when the rest is so good .

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Johnny thanks for the encouragement and interest, I’d like to see a picture of your build , do you have it posted here?

Yep the seats would have been fine if I hadn’t missed that one picture😜. I’ve done a bit more work since then and tweaked the seat color plus weathered the drivers seat back. Still a long way to go but it’s starting to take shape. Figures are here, Live Resin and deciding on the diorama setting.


A few more pictures of the current state.


Finally started the weathering process, it’s been given a wash with the initial drybrushing. The next steps will be another drybrushing, paint streaking, oil and grease stains, wear areas and finally soil pigments .

The diorama theme will be centered around a service bulletin that highlights a 10 amp fuse that can shut the vehicle down at the most inopportune time. It prevents the vehicle from cranking over and leaves the transmission shift selector blank.

display blank.


Brilliant work Steve. Just outstanding detail.

Stunning work Steve. This is reference material for those of us who have yet to build this kit!

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SSGToms and Metalhead85 thanks for your comments and interest, sorry the response took so long. Since those pictures have been taken I’ve completed a little bit more and worked on the weathering which still has a way to go.

Was able to get the hood to fit finally after repositioning some hoses and modifying the frame in the hood that connects the two hinges. Sorry I don’t stop to think about photographing during individual steps until afterwards😩


A few more , I tried downloading all in the last post but it wouldn’t allow me and it did in the previous post.


Last ones , yes the windows are tinted green and there is a wiper outline on the windshield however faint that I’ll accentuate with pigments.IED antenna isn’t cemented and hasn’t been drybrushed yet.



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Very good job!

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No I think I have all the parts I need for building my own M-ATV.

The extra Sprue is the one that’s specific for the M153 CROWS II turret. (H Sprue).

Yours looks amazing and I can’t wait to use yours as reference for my own build.


Thank you everyone for your interest, after a long day at work it’s nice to sit back and read your comments, these are what keep me going.

The builds shown here on Armorama are inspirational and beautifully done, I’am just glad to be part of the brotherhood here and thank everyone for accepting my work. I see many areas that need attention just from sitting and looking at photographs so I’am not so sure I like this posting pictures aspect of the forums too much :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is a great kit and I’ve had lots of fun so far, figures and base are up after this so I need to start gathering ideas on execution.

Sable Liger thanks, you need to start that soon and post some pictures, I’am honored you’d use this as reference.


MATV is finished but I won’t post anymore pictures of it until I complete the extra gear associated with the vehicle. Here’s the start of the two figures, 1 Legend and 1 Live Resin in their Scorpion W2 camo. First set of horizontal light brown stripes have been added to both pack and lower half of figure.


Pack with all 7 colors prior to highlighting and shading. I lightened the primary brown and this shows up in the last 2 pictures .


Every so often there is posted here a model or build log that makes you go “holy ****…” and this is one such build.

Steve, your detail work is incredible. I sometimes think that in periods of low mojo that deriving inspiration from other builds is a tonic and a welcome one at that. I’m inspired alright. Absolutely amazing build dude. I have a feeling you will win a lot of awards with that if you take it to any shows, it is world class by any metric.



Well that’s quite the endorsement, I don’t know what to say other than Thank You and wow ! Getting up at 5:30 to sneak in a couple hours of work on this project doesn’t seem like a crazy idea after all and on those days of no motivation, praise like this will keep me going until I make it to that finish line :grin:


Use this paint:


I know these aren’t pictures of the vehicle but they are part of it , the crew. Standing figure is Legend’s ODA Sergeant, sitting figure is Live Resin both painted with oils over acrylics. Faces and one set of arms done, just getting started.