Hi Curt. I have just recently finished the RFM Chally 2 and the Tamiya Deserized Chally 2. I built the Tamiya well over a decade ago, but only just got round to painting it last year. The RFM Chally doesn’t have quite the fit of the Tamiya but has a few nicer details like the running gear, drilled road wheels, excellent if time consuming workable tracks, included photo etch for engine deck and some other small details. With some extra care during construction the RFM builds into a really nice piece. Overall I don’t think there is a quantum leap in sharpness and detail with the RFM kit, and feel the only issue with the Tamiya kit was the lower hull and running gear but that is almost completely covered with the skirts and extra armour anyway. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend either kit frankly, the detail is very similar as far as I can tell. The only difference I noticed is the turret rear seems to be taller on the RFM. I’m sure others have different experiences with and opinions of these kits but that’s my tuppence worth, I hope it helps.
Here are links to my builds, the RFM thread has more pics side by side with the Tamiya at the end;