Sci-Fi and Alternative History Campaign IX

Mike your imagination has no bounds! All of these devices you keep coming up with have details and features that give them a “Gothic Sinister” characteristic, so that although they are 40’s high-tech, they seem to have come from Frankenstein’s lab…
Great stuff!


Yet another super clever mechanical addition… And all of them look totally viable as well … Keep them coming :+1:


Michael, looking forward to seeing how all this comes together. Going to be really interesting looking.

With the Kelvin close to painting, I can start part 2 of this project. My custom decals arrived today for that.


:rofl: Pull! …

According to the kit manual, it’s a vertical cylinder positioned in the center of the craft — some sort of glowing anti-gravity engine. Here’s a link for anyone interested in more: ‘The Project Haunebu’

I’m really surprised that you haven’t mentioned the severe imbalance I’ve created with the additional loadout and support machinery. Note: My version, the Haunebu IIb has the “b” designation for Bomb Carrying. :bomb: :grin:

Ah yes, sinister… Inspector No. 172 would like to commend you for agreeing with his plan. :face_with_monocle:

Oops! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (insert sinister laugh here). The elevator was dismantled this morning! :hammer_and_pick: I went to bed last night unhappy thinking about the chunky lateral stays — I tend to build a bit over-scale at times. So I pulled them and replaced them with thinner more lightweight strip. No problem, the Chopper Tool made quick work of this. I think it looks much better now. :thinking:

I had exactly enough chain left for this demo. Keep in mind, about 1/3rd of this sub-assembly gets buried below deck. … Still, I’m ordering more ‘LZ Models (35602) Precision Medium Chain (blackened, 7 links per cm)’ just in case. :chains:

Happy contrails!
—mike …:flying_saucer:


I just assumed there would be a form of compensating lift/ thrust to manage that.


Ah I can see how it all works now. Just hope all the hard work will be visible.


So part 2 of the Kelvin project is to turn this:

Into this:

Sticking with the theme of a science vessel, the ship will be named the USS Sagan.
I can’t take credit for originality, as TOS reimaginings of the ship have been around since the 2009 Star Trek.

Should be a fairly simple conversion. Just a case of chopping the neck from the engineering hull and some scratch building of a new upper pylon.


Make ready the floatplane! … :face_with_monocle:


Evergreen Square Tube, Styrene Strip, Round Tube (x2), paper clip and two pieces of Channel glued together to fashion the travel key… And yet another rescued Tamiya bucket/plinth. :hammer_and_wrench:

No floatplane, it’s just the Bomb Ramrod Mechanism. :plunger::grin:

Note: The bomb on the right is out of sequence — positioned for measurement only.

Yikes! That took a bit of imagineering! :sweat_smile: :gear::hammer_and_wrench::plunger::thought_balloon:

Happy contrails!
—mike …:flying_saucer:


Always like seeing scratch built Ramrod Mechanisms. :grin:

Now there has to be a power supply system for the Ramrod. Pneumatic or hydraulic Ramrod system. Ramrod Ramrod Ramrod, there needs to be more Ramrods in model kits these days :grin:
I like that word. It’s a good word



But seriously, the lightening holes in the bed and the conical pedestal look the part :+1:t3:


Looking Great, Mike!! How Will all this be visible? Will you leave part of it open? Display it on a mirror?

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Ramrod? Hyrawlics? … Ruh Row!

Thank roo rowsproo!

Thank’s Jesper!
The upper hull can be easily separated from the bottom, thereby exposing the Bomb Room’s activity. A mirror alone wouldn’t expose enough of the ship’s internals. And besides, I need the floor real estate for ground crew activity. I’ll try to shoot a broader view when I have a more complete plan.

@ petwat. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Hiwawious! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Stay tuned to your local Sci-Fi channel! :tv:
—mike …:flying_saucer:


With the tricky bits of the lights done the rest of the hull was straightforward by comparison. I’ve glued on some things and kept others off to make painting a little easier. The simple ‘push to fit’ connections make it easy to do sub-assemblies for some items.

Various other parts were added to the front and rear areas of the hull at this stage.

Then it was perhaps the gnarliest looking bit of the kit- the mine plough!

I’ll be keeping this separate too for painting.

Thanks for reading.


Coming along nicely Karl. That mine plough is rather “gnarly looking.” Look forward to seeing it tearing-up the neighborhood! …Uhhh, please go lightly on the garden though. :potted_plant:

—mike …:flying_saucer:


Yeah that plough and mine splitter assembly looks Gnar and a half ! The center parts look like medieval pendulum blades :crossed_swords:


@justsendit - Cheers mate :beers:!

@KoSprueone- Yeap they do look pretty medieval in shape- on the box art they have them painted with the body of the blades in black and the edge painted in steel and it looks awesome so I’m planning to do the same.


“You gotta’ like, stand back from it, you know”… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

After a long discussion with the “short” Inspector, here is the revised version.

Bomb Travel Direction

As you can see, the Ramrod assembly should be moved to below deck in order for the system to work. So I guess it’ll need to be 86’d. No harm, I’ll find a way to repurpose it somewhere else in the laboratory. :hammer_and_wrench:

“This will never work, and this picture is making me dizzy!”“Wait! What is happening?!” :face_with_monocle:

“Enjoy your floatplane ride!” :hammer_and_wrench::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Back to the drawing board. :man_shrugging: :pencil2:
—mike :flying_saucer:


You could use the chain lift as an external loading platform. Have a hatch in the floor where the chain lift containing a bomb is raised up into the aircraft between the ‘Merry go round’ (sorry, couldn’t resist) and the ramrod. The ramrod would no longer have a bomb on the end, it would just be used to push the bomb from the chain feed bucket onto the receptacle. The ram rod would need to be raised to the height of the carousel bomb receptacle.

The ram rod needs to be much longer anyway, as is the bomb would only be pushed a 1/3 of the way onto the receptacle. So taking the bomb feed off the ramrod as it is, and using the new space to hold a longer hydraulic housing and push rod would enable you to use most of this.


More likely to have the bombs pre-loaded, than to have to remove from separate storage and maneuvered into place on site.


OH SNAP! … Pre-loading, of course! And raising the ramrod’s centerline makes total sense! :bulb:

BTW: The segmented rod does actually extend to the track’s full length, it’s just not shown in any photos. It might just need a slight modification now.

Thank you for your valued opinion! You’re hired!
—mike …:flying_saucer:


Additionally, a catch basket (A), lowers bomb onto conveyor (B) which moves back toward the Ramrod. AI Robotic arm pick it up (C) then replaces it onto the Ramrod bed (D). Total renewable weapons system that never ever runs out of ammunitions.

:robot: To infinity and below! :clown_face: