Here are the rest of the list of finishers
Here are the rest of the list of finishers
Did you already start the XI Campaign? I tried to find it on the other day but could not. I would like to participate.
I don’t see myself listed for the Space:1999 Eagle.
Here is the link for the new campaign:
Good catch. Had you in my notes, but missed you when typing the finishers. Thanks for the reminder
Hi, this year is the first year I participated in the campaigns. I finished the Yuan Ti Abomination D&D figure. I am wondering, where do I find the medal for finishing the campaign? Thank you.
In the upper right corner of the screen are 4 buttons–a chat bubble, a magnifying glass, three lines, and your avatar. Click on your avatar.
Now you will see a long list of activity related to your account. At the very bottom of this list is a down arrow. Click that.
You will now be on a screen that shows all your account information with two rows of options. Click the one called, “Badges”.
You will now see all the badges thus far awarded to your account.
To my knowledge, Staff_Jim has not run the script that awards badges for any of the campaigns that ended on January 1 of this year. Therefore, you will not see badges for Sci-fi or 1942.
Got it, thank you.
I have sent the list of finishers to @staff_Jim for awarding the medals.
Thanks to all that participated and those who are already participating in the next one