Sci-Fi and Alternative history campaign X

thank you very much Moramarth , but electric wires need some more motors at the other end to make it turning… Maybe it could be pneumatic :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::hammer_and_wrench: to keep it light !!

The Pic is very nice , and that is of course 50% of the way i think about . I have seen some more of canard designs in that style, but wanna try to not make just a copy .

Center props at the tail, not one prop .


Red 5 starting today for SFA X.

Red 1-4 already completed for Big 3.


Super, Dave! Looking Great!

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Thank you sir!


Yesterday the physical process started with some additional parts, to keep the fuselage in shape for coming cut outs of parts. Nice to see how strong the sides are with that. You act the same way if you take a car body of his frame ore repair some bigger rusted sections :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .

Also a half ofthe bomb bay doors are fixed in place .

Here you can see which parts will be cutted out.


Looking forward to see how this gets built up … :+1:


Now I have this Tie-fighter that is in shambles, a bunch of Space Marines, Orcs and Cadians and even death Korps of Krieg or… I could jump in with this one I got for my birthday:

53 years old and being excited, because I got an action figure… I am pathetic, huh.



Made some good progress on the diorama base today. Scribed grooves into the combined Styrene sheets. :hocho:

Tools used:
• Cork-backed Metal Ruler from Walmart. This was really helpful for holding strait lines.
• V-profile scraper from a ‘Micro-Mark Mini Scraper Set’ that I purchased many years ago.

Here’s the result… scribed, sanded and pencil lines erased.

Thank’s for having a look!

—mike …:flying_saucer:


Second day of the B17 .
Cut out of the first parts , preparation of some other. A first mockup of the wings .

And one of my basic tools . I coated the Backside with some tape to get a better grip for cutting sheet .

And long after midnight the big cutout at the front, just one side . The white sheet parts keep the fuselage in shape and the small added pieces will help later to fix the new pieces in.


Not worth a subscription. None of them are, actually.

Just enjoy the kits and ignore the shows.


dear brekinapez ,

i’m not shure what you mean .

Did i do something wrong here ?

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Gerrit, brekinapez was replying to someone else’s post about Star Wars kits and shows. Nothing to do with anything yo have done :+1:


Not having kids certainly helps there! No one to pester me about subbing to The Mouse.


Yes, I was responding to Stephen. It should tell you on the screen who is replying to you specifically; it should be to the right of your username at the top of the post.

Like now, when you read this you should see ‘Killnoizer’ to the right of my name with a little arrow in front at the upper right.

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Thank you, that is the very small sign i was searching for … :wink: .

Day ( night ) nr.3 of the B17 , the first new parts went in place , rear end is also mainly done .

I decided to let the wings in original size , first idea was a delta design ( i got 4 wings for parts ) , but they are big enough at all .


Work continues … Day 4 , i got one side closed , some details ready for coming together , also the bases for the wings are ready to fix one the new place .

And i try what kind of tail i wanna build , not the center fin , but two smaller, one on every wing looks good for me .

Sorry , only one pic today .


Another great concept :+1:


So there’s no confusion, this one’s for you Gerrit… Looking good! :+1:

—mike :grin:


Thank you very much , i think that could work well at all , later with main wheels at the back and a big nose wheel at the front… :grin: .
Maybe a small Diorama .

One side is ready closed. Hours and hours with knife and files . But no putty .


Gerrit, looking great! Love that you are sharing the details of the build. Sanding everything to fit perfectly is a good strategy - beats filling and sanding and you keep the rivets without damage.

Michael, very nice base. Sharp and precise work! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face: