Fair enough. I asked because there’s a set somewhere in my stash, waiting for a use…
Well Jack, it came out as a pretty piece of an M1 in my opinion. I can see your point because tracks are so much the eye catching spot that I also strive anytime to improve the result. Anyway and again, a very nice rendition.
Basically the number of shoes you used is that of an A4 if I remember correctly. Good to know.
How about these?
Throwing my hat in the ring with this. Got a few RFM kits in the stash, but will actually be my first RFM build.
I ordered a set of Panda’s. Nothing to lose. I just don’t want track assembly to be as long as the kit assembly. I know of the A4 difference, but the T49’s I used come from a regular 79 link Asuka spare set. Baffiling. And thanx for the compliment of the build.
I will try to take pics tonight as I have both, built and unbuilt T-49 Panda Plastics and Asuka set.
While I wait for proper T49 tracks for my IDF Sherman, it looks like my next build on the horizon will be a Chilean M50/60mm. After a 3-month M1 build, I’m about 50/50 in favor of the Chilean M50. In the meantime, I have a shelf queen Syrian T34/122mm SPG, 1973 Yom Kippur, I’m pondering to finish to break up the monotony. I could do both builds at the same time, but we’ll see. I’ll be using the Dragon M51 (wanting the cast hull). Will be adding R Model metal tracks, Chilean Sherman specific decals from Bison/Star. Conversion pieces will be from Greg Buechler’s M50 Chilean conversion kit with a metal 60mm barrel while also throwing in Modeller HQ M50 conversion kit from Chile. PE will be Aber/Eduard. Throw in some 3D magic by Shapeways. Some TRex hull guards and accessories will be added too. Of course I’ll be using Tom Gannon’s Chilean Sherman book for reference.
So if I did the counting correctly, lots of numbers and few hands and feet. Looks like 79 pads of Panda Plastics is longer than Asuka tracks. At least with Panda, the links can be removed to get the correct look.
Didn’t realize till I was done I grabbed the duckbill set vs none but they are same length.
Great Jack, the last operational Shermy has always been in my to-do list. And it fires an Italian high velocity 60 mm!! It was the only armour piece that saw service as far as I know. IDF converted some M50 but Merkava was already in the pipe and they sold them to Chile eventually.
They also tried the full turret from OTO Melara on M113, but no success. Also a project from Poland to have a modern IFV was developed in the 90s and then dropped. So I’ll be waiting to see the build.
Your M1 looks excellent. Outstanding finishing. +1 for the Panda T49 tracks. You definitely made the right call ordering those.
Talking about M1: does anyone know what kind of dozer the IDF mounted on these late M1?
They should be in the 60s, already superseded by M50 and M51 on the main line.
Thanks in advance
No, but I can safely say it ISN’T the standard M1A1 blade designed for the Sherman HVSS. The bracket spanning the middle & rear bogies may come from the M1A1 kit, but the rest of it does not.
If you are good with a SPG then I am in.
I already have a goodly number of Shermans both finished and others still under construction but this one was a recent gift from a friend and I just started it on 2/15/23.
(Posted elsewhere here on KitMaker: - Here is the Link)
I have plans to correct the engine deck on the AFV model and am currently working on improving the level of detail in the driver’s and radio op’s compartments.
p.s. The interior started as pure white but you know how quickly an AFV gets dirty when in the field. I wanted that “lived-in” look.
Made some headway on the turret. The kit has excellent molded cast texture so won’t need to add any myself.
Decided to go with the plastic parts for the periscope guard rather than the photo etch as the plastic is well molded and detailed.
Tom Gannon’s book talks a bit about the OTO on the M113…with a pic!
I haven’t found any PE that comes close to the roundness, and natural look, of a periscope guard. I use kit guards or aftermarket 3D (Shapeways for one).
Tracks on, upper and lower hull glued together and some Milliput work. I also glued a styrene strip inside the upper hull to support the driver and co-driver for a test fit. Right now it looks pretty awful, but trust me, it will be much better. Some of you might wonder how I will fit the bow machine gun; anwer: I will only use the barrel (less stuff to paint )
While M12 is on going (pics to come soon) I’d like to know the community’s opinion.
Suppose I want to build an M4 late hull do you think the real plate angle of this kit will do?
This kit comes with precut to change the A3 deck with the A2 one provided as separate sprue.
I have spare parts and plasticard enough to make an M4 deck, but would it be to inclined at the back?
Unfortunatly I never bought a Formations or any other after market conversion and the Dragon M4 105 is long gone now…
Make sure the roadwheels are detailed on both sides.
I have a pretty extensive collection of wheels!!
My aim would be to the first M4 batch acquired in Italy and made serviceable just after the Indipendence war ended, hence somewhere through 49-early 50s.