Shunting Loco

Cab detail is pretty good. I esp. like the optional open rear window for both cabs

I’ve just joined this group and have really enjoyed reading through this tread as I’m also going to make a trackmobile lookalike. Just one thing on the coupler you purchased it is obviously an O gauge 3 rail coupler which are grossly over scale. Are you aware you can purchase genuine 1/48 scale couplers which would look fine representing a lighter strength coupler in 1/35th See
I have some so can measure one up if you need accurate dimensions.


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Excellent information. Thanks for the link. Already bookmarked it for future purchasing.

The overall size of the Kadee’s may be more accurate but the style is very different. I guess I could file down the articulating side and reshape with styrene or something.

More parts and subassemblies done…

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The ‘pilot’ brackets are made from old Tamiya Chieftain kit parts

Brackets glued to the ‘pilots’. I’ll add bolt detail later

Those ejector pin marks and ‘L’ and ‘R’ will be cleaned up as well

thanks for looking…

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Fitting the pilots today by shaping and shaping to fit at the perfect height. I had to re-curve that curve to clear the differential housing bolts. These will be glued on after painting.

The coupler head still clears it over the top


Ko.Sp 1, you are almost scratchbuilding. Looks amazing.

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Thank you, Sir! Tryin’ to get it done on time. Might not, tho. Won’t be the first time I didn’t meet the :skull: deadline :skull:

I’m getting used to that :slightly_smiling_face: Maybe make a paper panzer kit of this :grin:

Front and rear Pilots.

Primer, masking, and painting peligroso lines

Thanks for looking


I am vaguely familiar with this prototype but could you perhaps show us just one photo of the real thing that we might know where you heading with this build?

Just look up “Trackmobile”. My model is based on the design of these Mobile Railcar Movers. It’s not a replica of any of the variants of Trackmobiles, however.

I understand. I will be closely following this build.

I realize this is sort of a freelanced rendition if the actual vehicle. It would just be nice to have one real life photo in here somewhere to reference what you are shooting for.

That’s just the copywriter in me coming out.

I really like how you are using the brake and drive units from the tram to power your creation!

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Yup, just free styling. I just build and fit it as it goes along. I’m actually priming now so will have something to mock up probably by this weekend.

Thanks again for looking in and commenting!

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Wow this thread continues to amaze me especially the reuse of parts into something their creator would not have imagined.

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Thanks for the compliment :beer:

More parts going under primer this afternoon…


More mock ups before primer. This is looking like an Ian McQue or Burda design

thanks for looking …


Alejandro Burdisio? The guy who believes that a society can invent an anti-gravity system that can be retrofitted to anything but has problems with the concept of cable ties? I love his stuff apart from those dangling bights of cable waiting to snag on everything… To be fair, there are a lot of sci-fi designers who like to add a loop of armoured cabling between two points that don’t need it because they’re fixed in relation to each other or it would be better routed internally; Games Workshop/Citadel are the most obvious offenders but they are not alone.
I really wish you hadn’t mentioned him in relation to a railway build, I now have another deranged urge to do something obscene to a Dapol Deltic…
