Shunting Loco

That’s really cool! Didn’t realize the front wheels went up in an arc until now. :steam_locomotive:


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I don’t know but it looks like he looked through the cab windows and positioned the TM from experience. Similar to how you can drive your car directly over an aluminum can in a parking lot. I’m speculating

Have you found any more pictures or video of the project you’re work on?


Yes, this was also built accordingly :straight_ruler: :triangular_ruler: :clamp:
audio: RIP Lee Scratch builder Perry

Interior detail getting done. Following the I-Sheets

Kit decals installed upside-down, probably. They are so tiny. Gauge lenses are Kristal Klear


Looking great, KSO! :+1: I left these details of the gauges more or less out on my FUG.

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Maybe I should’ve as well. I still need to glue in the ‘glass’ from the inside, after cab assembly :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But don’t mask the clear parts from the inside … :wink:

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Holy Moly… that looks difficult to remove later :astonished:
I watched your build thread and you removed those masks after paint AND assembly

Oh, did I confuse you? Sorry! :blush: Of course I only masked the outside of the clear parts but after I glued them to the cabin parts. The masks only shine through to the inner side.

Sorry again!

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Lol, ok no worries. I see that now. I’m still going to build first so I can putty and fill gaps (if needed) because the FUG and the Trackmobile cabs look like solid structures with no seams between each side panel.
However, your model looked solid. I dry fitted my cab parts and saw potential seams… just making sure

Cabs built. Next is masking to keep the paint from getting into the insides.


Finally had time today to mask the cabs for primer and base coat. I’ll spray tomorrow morning


Primed and base color on. Enamel safety green so this will sit for at least a week before masking the rubber window trims


Window weather stripping painted on the driver cab.


Road wheel assembly

Edit: adding image of the I-sheets from the Takom Škoda Turtle


Dry fitting I discovered that the road wheel arms need to be extended further so the drive cones on the traction wheels will make contact like the real thing.

Traction wheels are slid outboard during rail operation and the road wheels are raised up

Then if driving on the paved road the road wheels are lowered and the traction wheels slide inboard so the drive cones make contact with the rear road wheels to drive


Nice movement! :gear::gear:


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