That looks great! Are you ripping out catalytic converters, too?
That looks great! Are you ripping out catalytic converters, too?
Appreciate the kind words
Looking good! Very clean work!
Outstanding build Kosprueone, your attention to detail is amazing, .
Appreciate the kind words!
Yeah what Mike said, so clean – I’d add What Sorcery Is This? Looks 1:1 scale
Cheers for the compliments
Cleaning up the front wiper assembly. They are very fragile and many little sprue gates
Pilots finally installed. I’ll route the air hoses in a more realistic location later
Thank for looking
It’s just too cool, one of the most beautiful replications I’ve ever seen & it’s not even finished
Thanks for checking in and for the compliment. Yeah, 2 years later and I still have not completed this model
Don’t worry about it, your project’s a weaning pup compared to my current geriatric one
Beautiful!!! …
Just beautiful work - it doesn’t matter how long you have been at it ( at least to me ! ) In fact , I enjoy this thread so much that I wouldn’t mind following it for another few years…
Cheers- RT
That’s some amazing work, KSO! Wonderful! So much effort put in it, it will look marvellous in the end.
Appreciate the kind and encouraging words
This is very close to completion with just the couplers and wheels to install. And then the base
As has been stated, this is a remarkable build! Looks fantastic!
Funny, coincidentally one of the regular ads that pops up on this site for me is Ritchie Bros, and this time, voila! your next project popped up:
What a treat! an articulated rail car mover! Perfect!
Looking forward to your next update.
Whoa, that machine is super cool! Thanks for the project idea. Probably start with a Husky Mk3 or Grader kit