As I live on Catalina Row, I could be tempted as I have always wanted to do one of the Catalina’s that had the black paint scheme …
Yeah, they look nice. Go for it.
When I saw a posting about this group build I started looking at different float planes/sea planes to see what might be fun to build, I’ve always been a big fan of the J2F-5 Duck but then remembered this is a Bi-Plane with rigging and I know I’m not up for that . . .
And then I came across this . . .
Roden’s L19/01 Bird Dog Float plane, used by USAFVN in SEA, well cool, and at 1/32nd scale it should be big enough so’s I don’t flub it up too bad with my non dexterous clubs.
I’m in, and this time I might even finish the challenge.
That will look great on your shelf, Terry.
Don’t forget to include the fish. … or in your case, maybe a gator!
I might be in with a Tamiya 1/35 Schwimmwagen or maybe a Revell 1/144 Ekranoplan A-90.
Would helicopters with skids count?
Mikey I admit the box art showing the fishes is quite tempting and the idea hasn’t gone un-noticed . . . I read one account of a Bird Dog pilot fireing his M16 out the window at enemy soldiers advanceing toward a downed pilot as he circled overhead waiting for SAR to retreive the pilot, this is one scene I had considered, another thought is a perspective veiw of the plane flying above a 144 scale A7, F4 or something, it might just wind up in an acryllic display box, never know.
On the flip side, your mention of the gator and thinking of the “Professor” appearing in some of your posts . . . well let’s just say you’ve inspired me
Don’t all helicopters have skids? Hmmm, it’s not exactly what I had in mind and don’t we already have some helicopter group builds?
Ok, just wondering.
Yes, I’m thinking the idea is that there would be some sort of horizontal if not forward travel upon the skids like with the Auster Antarctic kit posted earlier. Helicopters tend to just use their skids as a support platform while on ground. They don’t really taxi around on them or anything so I look it as ‘same form - different function’.
Now, aren’t there helicopters that can float for certain sea ops?
And just to throw it out there I believe there are helis with wheels – some retractible.
No, some only have wheels and no skids. Some even pontoons.
Sea Kings have retractable main gear and some (albeit with some preparation) can land on water; that seaplane-shaped fuselage isn’t there for nothing… When Prince William was a SAR pilot he made a State Visit to Canada where he had the opportunity make such a landing and take off as the Canucks practice this regularly, he said it would make him the envy of his squadron mates in the RAF who didn’t get to do it.
This could be a good opportunity to build these two aeroplanes that have been in the stash for a few years …
My GB entry arrived today, my one and only Black Friday purchase came from Squadron at a nice little savings. On a side note I have to hand it to the folks at Squadron, since their near death ressurection they’ve really put an aggressive effort into building a competitve on-line business, offering some very attractive sale prices during their holiday sale over the last couple of weeks.
Anyway, heres a look at Roden’s L-19 /01E Birdog Floatplane . .
. . . glad to see the Stars and Bars insignia are the correct dark insignia blue, I had seen one in box review showing the decals were a much lighter hue.
. . . the ACAV, albeit at 1:35 shows this is gonna be a big small plane.
. . more parts than I anticipated, the cockpit wind screens are much thinner than most model’s “glass”, nice!
. . . the only flash I’ve seen is on the vertical tail edges.
. . . well I’m all in now, just need to clear off the work becnh of a build I’ve been dragging my feet on since July, this should fire up the motivation. Yep, I’m getting 'cited bout this build!
Agree about Squadron. They had the best looking deals, but I’m focused on just getting a couple of things these days so managed to resist their temptings…
Here we go! I’m running 4 campaigns this year? What am I thinking? If someone would change the status I would be grateful.
Campaign active.
I tried that once on the old site, Phil. Quite a job, but lots of fun and very interesting builds.
Looking forward to participate