Smells like teen (fighter) spirit

:star: :blue_square: :star: Nice!


Giving up on my tamiya P-51 build. That kit gets some praise, but I found it to be very annoying. Being a 1996 mold. There are really poorly placed ejector pin marks and thick seam lines. Was having zero fun cleaning up every part

Instead, I’ll crack open this guy tomrrow night


Oh I do like that CF-188. I bet that is a nice kit.

Todays update:

Topside decals on.

I have a few more to add tomorrow. Very small ones. Mostly because I lost the afternoon bench session time for family duties.

More to come soon…


The CF-188 kit looks outstanding in the box. Gorgeous cartograf decals, PE for a lot of parts. Really nice weapons tree and nice detail. This will be my first ever modern jet fighter build. The only thing I am hesitant about is the seam that will be in the intake trunks

That F-18 you are building is a stunner!! Will look fantastic when it’s done


Looking good, Carlos! I have managed to get most of the decals on my Tiger Meet F-16 as well. I shall upload some pictures when done with the decaling process.

Sounds good Erik. I’m looking forward to your progress photos.

Gonna crack open the CF-18 this evening. I am very excited. Going to do airframe number 756 from 425 Squadron out of Bagotville Quebec while it was stationed in Lithuania as part of the NATO mission (Operation Reassurance) to defend Eastern European airspace in response to the annexation of Crimea and increase in Russian aggression. Doing this scheme for 2 reasons. I was able to find lots of photos


It deployed in Defence of NATO, which means it has a nice heavy armament load out since it is on airspace Defence missions


Lots of Sidewinders, but only one AMRAAM? I wonder who not two or three, since that second rail is empty… as is the right side fuselage station.

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I am wondering the same myself. I wonder if it’s because our Canadian military budget is so small :rofl:

I think I might load station 6 with an AMRAAM as well as the vacant slot on station 2 since the kit comes with extras and they are well done


Being neighborly, and having so many Canadian snow birds where I live now, I didn’t want to mention that… :wink:


I noticed it doen’t say anything about which scale it should, I would like to join with this different F16 version…


Any scale is good to go!!

All decals are on. With a bit of luck it will be finished during the weekend. The forcast says rain so the hobby room is a good option.


Looking good Erik! Your Viper is almost at the finish line!

For the purposes of this GB, I am calling this one completed.

oh yeah, upon emptying the box today, I found the original purchase receipt buried under everything. I bought it from a great shop, long gone now… it sat in my stash for nearly 23 years…

I’ll get a proper multi view photo post up in the completed section tomorrow…


Turned out gorgeous!!

Wow, wild you hit that kit for $8

Thank you! Pretty good $8 spent, eh? I do believe that it was a consignment kit. Brand new I think it cost around $12 or so back then…


That is one sweet F-18! Congrats with a very nice result!

Absolutely stunning build and finish Carlos… You really nailed the colours on the Angel… superb… And September 2000… I was on a OPFOR tour in BATUS … Happy times …

Carlos, what a Beautiful build! You hit the shiny finish spot on - often a more difficult task than it sounds.

8 bucks - a good buy :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face: Funny to find those sort of small time capsules in your stash.

Building this is fun, especially as I do this while I am not at home… finished the building stage, will start with painting when I am home…