Smells like teen (fighter) spirit

Looking good!

I see you painted the wheel bays before the exterior color. I wanted to do that but wasn’t sure how I’d mask off the bays. What’s your plan for that?

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Flat coat today. Next bay doors, missiles, and the tailpipe.

Getting there….

The white glue I used for the canopy created some crazing that will require polishing compound. Didn’t foresee that being an issue.


Looking good though… Nice tail decals as well.

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Really nice F-16 Build. My favorite jet!!

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Really good video on the Viper posted recently by Real Engineering.

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Calling this one finished. Will try to get better pics in the sunlight.


Looks excellent! Makes me want to build up my Tamiya F-16CJ right away

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Yeah, this kit makes me want their 1/48 or 1/32 version.

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Very nice, you don’t see them that often without any onrdnance.

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You sure don’t. Growing up I always liked the look of a slick Viper, so I decided to leave everything off. Considered adding AIM-9Ms to the wingtips but decided against it just for that reason.

Bungled up the decals on the IP :frowning:, order some replacements from Airscale but they are way too big!

Luckily I have enough spares from the rear seat I can use. this meant I had to repaint the instrument panel though. This turns out to be, as bob Ross would say, a happy accident.

I am very happy with how the new paint job turned out


You should be! Very impressive.

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Cockpit mostly done! Had to borrow random dial decals from other kits left overs, but overall happy. Just need to do some light weathering

Ejection seat and IP are just dry fit


Thats looking very nice Mead. Does your canopy have a seam down the middle ?

Thank you!

Yes, sadly it does :frowning:

That is such a shame. YOu would think they would do something to sort that issue that. That IAF F16 I did had the same issue. Spoils looking into the cockpit with the seam … And my skills with sanding dont cut it trying to smooth those seams out …

Yeah I agree! Unfortunately it is quite common, of the 6 modern fighters I have in the stash I think only one has no seam in the middle. I have never removed a canopy seam so I am hoping I can do a good job. Probably gonna start with 2000 grit and then follow up with tamiya polishing compounds


Will be good to see how you get on with it and get tips after :+1:


Modern fighters have “bubble” canopies, they bulge out and then pinch back in. Than can only really be replicated by a two part mold, leaving that seam. But you can do it, just takes a little practice. If you have an unused piece of clear plastic hanging around, try it out on that first. Finer and finer grit sandpaper and some polishing compound does the trick.

Michael :israel:


Hi mates, last week I got a little further with my F-16CJ

Before I start with the decals, there’s the canopy parts to do and then decide what to hang under the wings and central fuselage pylon. I will check the photos I took at Spangdahlem AFB in summer '22 and find me suitable options.
Good luck everybody with your impressive builds :ok_hand: :+1: :four_leaf_clover:
Peter :raising_hand_man: