Smells like teen (fighter) spirit

Looking good!! White is a tough color to airbrush, and you’ve done it well

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Starting to look like a jet. Really loving this kit—enough detail to be fun but still an easy build and fits like, well, Tamiya.

Ended up with some surprising gaps in the main wings but fairly certain that’s user error.


Looks great! Love me some F-16

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…and with brush, too :upside_down_face:


Looking good, and don’t worry about the painting. Once you get used to an airbrush, you’ll never look back!

Michael :stuck_out_tongue:

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Still a long ways to go on what will probably be a lifetime of learning, but I already can’t stand rattle cans…

It’s a great tool.

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Hi Everyone,

I’m jumping in with this gem. Picked up some extras, Aires cockpit and exhausts, and some nice decals that remind me of time when I lived about 2 Km from where they flew out of all time. This should be fun!

Stay safe, wash your hands, have fun!


I am going to build this litle bird:


Was going to cut some plastic early for the Tomcat… But was coerced into a 2 hour dog walk…

So just ended up priming most of the parts on the sprue. Will hopefully get started on the cockpit tomorrow…


It was about time I cut some plastic and hit the glue :grin:

Going as per the destruction sheet … Cockpit tub first.

Will get all this painted and fitted, then into the front section and mask the canopy and get that glued on.

The detail is nice and the limited decals will help, but I feel they have sort of given with one hand with detailing etc, then taken away with the other hand by missing bits out.

Once the cockpit tub goes in, there is no detailing or separate sections for the inner fuselage sides, so I am painting bits on for that… there are no ejection seat pull handles etc, which is a shame but hey ho … And also on the cockpit tub sides there are no decals for either the pilot or weapons Officer area, so again … painted by hand for an effect only.

Still need to add more red and white bits to the tub sides … More later :+1:


And later lol… Cockpit tub is done… Just a couple of bits need a dab of touch in paint.

The brushed instruments on the left and right are just to add a bit of a more realistic look.

Fairly happy how it turned out. The canopy will be fully down on this one, so a lot of this will be hidden… Will try and get the front of the fuselage together tomorrow along with the front landing gear well which needs painting.


Looking great!

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Thanks Mead :+1:.

Have now got the wings together and the nose section done. All fitted fine and no issues. Just a few little bits of clean up needed where some glue squeezed out.

Next I will look at the canopy and it’s fixings and maybe carefully paint the outline of the internal canopy frame, then fix the canopy and mask it up.


Quick dry fit … Swept …

And fully deployed

Will get a bit more done today… Really want to get the cockpit area sorted and canopy on and masked up …


Got to where I needed to be .

Added the sight to the cockpit tub and painted the inner canopy frame black as this is going to be finished as a Jolly Rogers bird. (That’s the paint you can see on it now, it’s on the inside edges)

Quite happy with the masking and how it turned out. Used Tamiya 6mm tape and pressed it firmly down around the frame edges, then used a new No11 blade and used the canopy edge as a guide and trimmed off the excess… Fingers crossed.

Also painted the inside of the air intakes which are just dry fitted at the mo. Going to do the wheels tomorrow and do a gentle pin wash on the undercarriage legs as they have already been painted white


Hey folks! I hope it’s okay if I enter my Kinetic 1/48 F-16AM here :slight_smile: I started her this month but I forgot to post photos. I have never built a F-16 before so this ought to be fun!

Some progress photos:

I wasn’t able to totally remove the seam on the intake, but it isn’t too noticeable unless you look directly at it.

This kit really needs a lot of elbow grease and putty to work - as I found out early on in the build. I left the sprue gates on the edges of the wing to protect the delicate parts there.

Some nasty gaps in the fuselage area under the landing gear. The joints were also quite delicate. Worried about breaking the parts later when I leave the plane standing on its own weight.

And here I am as of this weekend. The nose and the panels near it really did not go together well. I’m hoping to finish the fuselage soon so I can apply some primer to identify areas that need more care.

Also, the kinetic kit has this probelm of the canopy not properly fitting at the rear, there’s a gap that is left:|

My solution is to glue a sanded-down sprue gate to fill the gap.

After it dries, I’ll cut the part to shape and sand it to conform to the rest of the parts. The clear parts have also had their seamline removed and dipped in future - but they’re not glued yet. Will do that near the end before priming.

Good luck to everyone else’s builds :slight_smile:


Nice start on the F16, I am glad mine did not have those issues. You have handled all of them very well though, looks great.


Looking good @kunjuro! I’d say you’re handling the issues expertly.

Small bit of progress this weekend. Fun “feature” of Vallejo….instead of drybrushing to get wear on edges, you can just rub a little paint off with your finger!


Thats a good idea, I wish I had done that as I broke off about 2 but fixed them after with stretched sprue. Watch out for the tail plane ones as well … :+1:

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its a gift that just keeps on giving :grin: