Space Shuttle Launch Complex 39A with Challenger STS-6 (1:144)

Hello friends,

I don’t know if you scrolled up to page 98 in my NSF build report,

in which I have drawn the floor plan for my Diorama in the Scale 1:160 (1600 mm x 900 mm) and marked the MLP and the Crawler.

The bunker for the M113 armored personnel carrier is about 1000 ft from the Launch pad, so it is out of the question for my diorama, interesting as it would be, which would otherwise have to be 3800 mm wide.

Source: NASA


Here one can see some more details of the planned Diorama.

With an extension for the water tower as a distinctive feature of the Launch pad.

Source: NASA

The FSS and RSS I took over after the death of my Raumcon forum friend Thomas Emberger († 2017) from his wife as his legacy in order to keep an honorable memory of him on my diorama. May he rest in peace …