
I got the major part of the paint done this evening. The belly is painted with Ammo Mig Ocean Sea Grey. I have seen some people bitching about Mig colors, but I find them excellent as long as you use a good primer first.
The rest of the fuselage is painted with Tamiya XF-81 and 82. The prop and tail band is Tamiya Sky XF-21. a little touch-up is needed, but that is expected. All in all I´m pretty happy with the outcome so far.


Looking good Erik.
Managed to get the cockpit finished and the fuselage joined on mine.

Looks like a little sanding and filling required on the fuselage, but happy with it so far.


What brand of interior green did you use for the cockpit?

I use the Tamiya cockpit green one Erik. I always thought it was a close match to british interior green.

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Yepp, it looks good. I used Vallejos interior green and it looks a bit dark to me.

It does look a bit darker Erik but it looks okay to me. I am sure no 2 interiors were the same.

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is that the Japanese one ?

This kit goes together quick.
Small bit of filler on seams of fuselage

nothing major.
Wings fit great too. Just a tad plastic putty on wing root.

Wing tips and flaps on

And the stabs and rudder done

Thats it for tonight


Having just caught up on all these superb Spitfire builds, I seriously need to get stuck into my own. I’ve whittled things down to two choices.

  1. A 1/72 Seafire MK 1b from this superb kit


  1. A micro job, using this 1/144 Eduard kit, that was actually a freebie given away by Eduard at Telford some years ago, with a “bigger” purchase.


The Eduard kit us actually quite superb. I’d likely do an RAF Spitfire, but the Dutch example is rather neat. I do have etch details for this one also. Can you imagine that!

Decisions, decisions

Would love to hear suggestions as to which one!


Would love to see the Seafire. Have that kit myself so would be interesting to see how it builds.


Seafire please


Not enough seafires…just sayin


Looks like it should be the Seafire then!


There, that was easy …


:rofl: :rofl:

That actually is not a Dutch but a Czech plane :slight_smile:

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Yes, you are correct. I clearly confused the roundels on the picture! Just as well I’m going for the Seafire!

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The Dutch roundels have a orange dot in the centre…

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Yes, I was aware of that, just not paying close attention!

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Peter could you show me how you made the harness? hI would like to make my own but the sutton harness is a little more complicated than the standard US harnesses.

Thanks- Joe