Sprue Cutter Showdown

After reading about how good the Zoukei - Mura is I broke down and ordered one.

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I don’t believe I’ve ever seen them for sale in the UK. A lucky search on EBay from a store/seller in South Korea is where I found mine.


Thanks for the review !! i have too much investment in GodHand but i think this a right time to buy a new pair of ZM’s … :beer: :v:

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Gonna have to invest on some high-end nippers. My Gen 3 works well, but need something to fit into smaller gates; eyeballing a God Hand Nipper right now on FleaBay.


Don’t buy the Godhands! The Godhands have that big clunky anvil on one side and are impossible to get into tight spaces and smaller gates. Buy the ZM nippers, they have much more finesse.

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Thanks for the heads-up. I think I’ll bite the bullet and get a ZM nipper. :+1:


Mine arrived today. Made a few test cuts… :scissors:

The Zoukei-Mura’s are better than the GodHand’s. As Matt said the point allows getting to parts with one cut that the blunt nose GH’s can’t.

A+++ Matt thank you for the thread and information!


Mine is sitting in the mailbox per the UPS…


Damn!!! I was almost at your mailbox!

That’s good!

Great tread, thank you guys! just ordered one at BNA

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Tried the Super Snipper on a Tamiya and GWH kit.
Godhands are now weeping.

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A couple models in and they are FANTASTIC!! I’m working on an AMT/Ertl '36 Ford and I use my older Zuron’s to cut the heavy attachment posts and the ZM’s to clean 'em up.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you don’t have a pair of these incredibly clean cutting nippers, you’re missing out big time!



Anyone given these a try?

No experience with the Hasegawa nippers.

They look very much like rebranded GodHand’s to me.

I was curious about that myself. That’s why i thought I might ask!

Edit: took a gamble on them, hasegawa 20% sale at sprue bros! I’ll report back when they arrive

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If you buy them now, get 20% off from their weekend sale.
Oof, just saw that you did buy them!


Received my Zoukei-Mura’s last week. I am on a building pause so haven’t really tried them out. I did do a few cuts on some discarded sprues and man, cut like a hot knife through butter. They seem to be made for the right handed people but as a lefty living in a righty world I can adapt.


OK, mine got here and I’ve put them to work, done almost every cut I’ve tried with them. The only thing that didn’t work was a 1.5mm x 7mm plastic tab. It might could have gone thru, but I didn’t like the sound the plastic was making so I stopped and just sawed the tab off. :wave: