Thanks for alerting us to the issue. Looks interesting. Have a fun group build!
Deep down you’re thanking me Ryan lol … on a serious note though, they are the perfect size for doing a great little dio on a very small footprint.
I know that is what hurts most. I forgot the wingman.
I am thinking something like this.
Patrolling through a glacier canyon/going out on patrol from a mountain base. Same size as my 1/72 diorama.
That was what I thinking… A4 size… They are perfect for it… And you could easily build one or both sides up to show the canyon…I was thinking about one but in desert cam… Again on an A4 footprint… Shame you can’t get ATST in that scale …
The winter cam on the AT AT is similar to what I’m doing for my ATST but the light grey will become the green…
Great scale comparison… I didn’t realise it was that much bigger than an AT AT … Pretty impressive
What is its actual scale ?
Bandai made a 1/144 AT-ST that comes with a snowspeeder.
Unknown, but Andy Moore says about 1/550.
I had trouble finding anything about a scale, but if the ATST in 1/144 is 60mm tall, that AT M6 must be about the same height so it must be a lot more so that must be about what you said Ryan…I do like them though…
I agree. A little articulation what put this kit over the top. I think about making copies and doing that myself but then there goes the timeline.
So, after watching the football… I thought I should at least make a limited start …
All the parts look really well detailed, apart from the figures and the base, none of which I’m going to use anyway…
It also sort of feels like it’s cheating as the kit just pretty much pops together… To ease my conscientious, I’m using AK thin when I’m joining the parts together.
Still a few bits to add but the section that connect’s the legs to the turret/cab is pretty much there. I think Iay have to do some painting of sub assemblies so I can detail paint some areas before it all goes together. Will also add some clear plastic as there’s nothing in the box for the cab windows. I’m also thinking of making an automatic rear facing cannon mounted the ATSTs rear…
Andy Moore had some some easy tweaks to class it up.
Made a start on my AT-AT last night. All those years ago, when I read this was a dog of a kit, well the reviewer was not half wrong…
There is Ugly
Then there is Butt Ugly
Then there is MPC Grotesque!
Several hours of struggling to line the body parts up to a decent shape results in this:
The lower piece insert to help keep the shape together - I do not need a crystal ball to see much strip styrene and putty in my future…:
Oh and the head piece - yerggggghhhhhh
Some of the pvc kits and paint schemes I have completed on figures from Star Wars.
Al Patterson
Umiujaq, Qc J0M 1Y0
That IS bad…!
But you’ll manage…
Like the finish on the Han Solo one and the bottom one… They have a real apocalyptic / mercenary look …really nice
Blimey Peter, you have a few chasms to navigate with that mate…was it age warping or just a crap fit ? Fingers crossed the base line workshop repairs go well…
That’s a good link Ryan thanks. I will have another read through later as he does make some nice additions and I like how he painted the inside of the head unit.
Unless you leave the top free to remove, most of the interior painting is lost but his painting is nice. I would recommend test fitting them taping off the join posts otherwise it will be hard to reassemble because of the paint build up.
Still trying to work out the composition, I am thinking like this but something isn’t sitting right with me.