Starship wishlist

I swear I saw Nell used in another sci-fi movie or television program, after it appeared in “Battle Beyond the Stars”, but I can’t remember what it was. Anyone else? :thinking:




You probably saw recycled footage in some B-movie. A lot of 80’s movies saw life again as stock footage in cheap 90’s movies.


Corman reused a lot of the effects shots in another low-budget movie called ‘Space Raiders’ a few years later.
There might have been one or two others.


That’s the one. Thank you.

Randy :slight_smile:

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Anyone from the UK of my generation usually associates Space Raiders with bags of crisps. No school lunchbox was complete without them!
They had a comic strip on the back, which I have heard was designed by 2000AD artists. I still think the main character is definitely Ziggy Stardust.

I preferred the cheese and beef flavours, the pickled onion was every bit as vile as it sounds!


Remnants of my lunch today at Culloden Battlefield. No comic strip on the back any more unfortunately.


Watch your salt intake :joy:


Never gotten over them changing the packaging!
Still taste like flavoured polystyrene.

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Some of the HALO videogame starships are unique.

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Halo had some cool ships.
Always regretted not getting the Pelican dropship when Revell did one a few years ago. Maybe they’ll reissue them one day.

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@phantom_phanatic There is always the 3D option for the Pelican dropship… :grinning:

And probably better than Revells. I do remember some criticism that the range had some toy like features.

Unfortunately I don’t know anyone who has a 3D printer or could even do the 3D renders.
Maybe one day I’ll find one that’s affordable and printed to a high standard. I’ve only ever bought a few prints and the quality varied wildly, although they are getting better.
A few years ago I bought a 1:1 print of the Blade Runner 2049 blaster that was pretty poor (cheap, should’ve known what I was in for) and a much more expensive original movie blaster. That is a work of art! Really nice piece, printed in colour with working features. It’s one that takes pride of place in the display.

Nice wishlist :heart_eyes:

BTW, there is/was an 1/35 scale prepainted X-wing model available from Japan some years ago. It featured a full interior, baseplate with ground equipment, some figures and of course a R2-D2. It looks like this :sunglasses:


  • dutik

So I was talking to my oldest daughter’s boyfriend who has been approaching me about playing some of my old RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons and Call of Cthulhu, and it got me thinking about Traveller which was my favorite SF game. It had design tables and such to build space navies for the tabletop wargaming aspect since your characters could get swept up in wars and I have a number of designs I think I might try to scratchbuild. Pretty sure I have the blueprints I drew up for my character’s medium freighter and auxiliary cutter. It was designed for miniatures in mind but I can tweak it; y’all would never know what I changed.

Yes, I have the 1/35 prepainted X-wing, I think it was by Kotobukiya, a slight departure from their usual statues, etc. I came across this discussion, (and indeed the forum) because I have been cleaning up an old Warp Stargazer kit that I bought second had maybe a decade ago, (someone had built it, badly, painting it all white with what looks like water based emulsion, so literally a matter of scrapping and peeling off the paint) and while looking for a set of replacement decals, (which I’ll be getting from JT) I saw the wishlist which started with, yes, Stargazer. The Warp kit isn’t injection standard, and is indeed showing its age, but I’ll be replacing the dish with the top of the saucer section from an old ERTL Enterprise, (naturally the same size, after all, the original Constellation class in Picard’s study was largely built from the Enterprise kit.

That said, I just wanted to breathe a little life into this thread by adding a couple of ships I’d love to see in kit form that haven’t been mentioned. Firstly, amazed that no one has brought it up, the Super Star Destroyer Executor from Empire and Jedi. Yes, Bandai has a tiny kit of it out, and yes, I have various resin models of differing sizes of it, but I’d love a large injection kit. I’ll add that one of the nicest resin versions was made by a chap in Australia who made some stunning kits, including a Medical Frigate and even an Interdictor Cruiser that went well with the old AMT Star Destroyer kit, and maybe even would look okay with the large Zvezda model, (I’ve yet to build it, maybe one day).

Other ships I’d like as kits would be the two main ships from the old 1980s series Starfleet, (X-bomber) with indeed the X-bomber being one, but another the fantastic Imperial Cruiser. I understand that the latter at least was destroyed with much of of the puppetry in a fire before a second proposed series was to be made for ITV in the UK.

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Bo Katan’s ship from the Mandalorian would be cool


A few different Mandalorian figures would be nice.


I’d second a larger SSD. I’ve not seen the Bandai one myself but do have the Star Destroyer and it’s only a couple of inches long. Nice though.

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Valley Forge.


I wish someone like Bandai would create a styrene version of the “Aspect of Glass” ship from the Bungie video game “Destiny”.

I already have the one that was made by Mattel under the “Mega Construx” building block kit.


Also, a larger scale version of the Razor Crest from “The Mandalorian”.
