T-34/85 campaign

The RFM kit is assembled, only thing missing are two shovels at the front right side. The Academy kit still needs some details and additions.

The Egyptians:

The Dragon kit is almost done, some straps and stowage left.


Looking really good!

Good looking builds you both have going.

Lightest coat of 4BO down cuz I’m doing the distressing method on this build.


I’ve only just caught up with this thread; whilst I don’t think I’ll join in I have had, as a project, a long term plan to do exactly what you’re doing Ron, so I’ll be following this one that’s for sure. I also identified the Zvezda kit as suitable.

The 4BO is finished.
( It looks kinda drab in the picture but is greener in real life.)

Edit: Comparing to to actual photos the color looks totally wrong so I just ordered a bottle of AK Russian 4BO Light Base, I should have it in 3-5 days.


The picture of the model looks like primer to me.

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limited modelling time on the T-34/D30 (would’ve been any way due to the garden fence needing painting) as I managed to fall ~6ft off a ladder and crack my ribs (rear) off a plant pot. Think there is at least one cracked but the pain has gone down… so today managed to crack on with the upper hull… going together well and I am really glad I took time to d a rudimentary interior. Not sure when I will get chance to paint it up (need to paint other models first)


Looks good. Glad to hear it’s just a flesh wound. :scream:Don’t paint under the influence.

Update time. Progress on the 2nd T-34 hull has slowed as this is the one that will have all the PE. I am not impressed with the Tetra Models fender set. The PE was very hard and not the right size. Given it was designed for this very set I am not happy with that. I had to do some cutting and moving of bolt heads to make it work. After lots of swearing and a fairly deep cut to my finger I managed to wrassle it into submission

The stowage boxes went together pretty well but they were fiddly. At least they were the right size.


Sorry to hear about the sliced finger… great progress though!

managing some build time on the D30 but not as much as I want… leaving smaller PE for now so on to the gun. Quite a few small bits but goes together well…

and then finally just resting it all together - starting to look the part


122mm gun finished (Well it was until I broke the piston that controls the elevation while trying to take photos… it only sits on a small pin and the other end in a small hole with a PE strap - will repair but probably going to be fixed (which is OK as wanted it in the travel lock once painted)). Need to add tie down lops to the “turret” ring and then add home made weld beads around it, make the tracks (link & length) and then look at the fuel drums - might just do the mountings or perhaps one off one on (and battered)


Looks great. :+1: :+1:

The whole gun assembly is pretty fiddly and the attachment points/joints of the subassemblies are pretty small and dont make for a solid assembly. I had the same issues when assembling the gun for the Egyptian T-34/122 (the whole gun assembly is the same apart from the shield and some other parts). I glued everything in place, didnt leave any room for movement or elevation (especially after I realised that the canvas cover only allows the gun to be displayed at horizontal position). With this model though I dont know if I would display the gun in a stowed/horizontal position or elevated since I would like to show the interior work that has been done. :thinking: :thinking:

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That is some impressive PE work, nice detailing. What kit are you using? Zvezda?

The Egyptian 122 had also caught my eye and was on the birthday present list - wife went with this one… I will try once more to get it work able (it is the small piece of PE that holds it all in place and there isn’t really enough surface area to glue with CA and be workable… luckily as the access hole is so big having the gun in travel doesn’t really affect the view of the interior

Looks great Rob, I agree with Nikos but you do make a good point. Carry on with your model. :+1:

Ready for primer:

T-34/122 RFM

T-34/85 post WII Dragon


Both look nice and clean. Anxiously awaiting the paint. :+1: :+1:

nice work on the RFM, you did a better job on the rear fuel drums than I did, having to leave one off (broken PE) and the other was roughly done so battered up…