I’ve really wanted to try Takom’s new 250/1 Alte. It’s one of my favorite vehicles, its just so cool.
I remember back when I was 12 in 7th Grade (1999), my appendix burst on the football field during a game.
I spent a week in the hospital and when I was released, my mother stopped by Hobby Lobby on the way home.
I saw Dragon’s Sdkfz 250/1 le SPW Alte (6117) and because she felt bad for me, she bought it and some paints for me. I had only built Tamiya’s old school Panther A late prior to this and had the glue and scalpel.
It completely kicked my ass (Dragons 250) but I was in love with modelling. I didn’t know what I was doing and only had a scalpel set, glue, testors enamel paints and dry brushes. I didn’t have sprue cutters/clippers, sandpaper, rattle cans or airbrush, none of the accessories and gear. I cut sprues with the scalpel (dangerous) and damn near reopened my incision. My first 250 effort resulted in a terrible model, but my spirit was in the right place.
Ever since then, I have a particular thing about 250’s lol.