Tank Destroyers 2 Campaign Active

So a midget wielding w/M72 LAW on a bazooka bicycle is probably a no too? Asking for a friend.

Fine, but how often do you have a cool looking Vespa, boring M10 it is then. :roll_eyes:

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tell your friend to start running, i’ll give him/her a 50 yard head start before i open fire :crazy_face: :rofl:


I think we should all send a huge Thank You and some
even a
or two
to David for offering to handle and manage this campaign
and stop pulling his leg even if it is funny as h**** :rofl: :innocent:


I concur
A HUGE thank you David :crown:

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you know i am sitting in my modelling room rocking backwards and forwards stroking my shotgun don’t you :laughing:

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@Klaus-Adler David, much appreciate your willingness to run the TD#2 Campaign/Group Build. I definitely hope you’ll do #3,#4 & #5 for all the extras TD kits (RFM JagdPanther, DML JagdPanther & Tamiya Achilles) purchased due to enthusiasm for this #2 build :slight_smile:

I know exactly how you feel. Really. I’ve been running Armorcon for 21 years now and every year we come up with a theme. And every year, there’s a certain group of guys who think it would be hilarious to push the boundaries of the theme to the ridiculous. Why that’s funny, I still don’t know. Anyway, one year our theme was “Tank Killers” and the weird and wacky proposals started rolling into my inbox. It got so out of control that I posted an announcement - You can do a Japanese soldier with a 500lb. bomb and a hammer sitting in a hole in the road waiting for a Sherman. If you think it’s a tank killer, you can enter it, and the judges will decide the validity of the entry. The shenanigans pretty much stopped after that. :grin:


Cause people are asshats. :sunglasses:

BTDT on both sides. Contest chairman or head judge are two of most thankless jobs around.

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i don’t know why it happened in this campaign proposal, i have run several campaigns in the past and i have never really had the weird and wacky suggestions come in…personally i’m blaming it on covid.

when i organise campaigns i try to pick subject that people don’t really think of as mainstream and get people involved and bring it into the mainstream. i had a lot of positive feedback on the original Tank Destroyer Campaign on the old site as well as the Helicopter Campaign which is why i have created a second year of it for both subjects.

but with the weird and wonderful suggestions coming out this time, the video below kinda expresses how i feel about doing a Tank Destroyer 3 campaign next year:

i am having to deal with issues at work a major poop storm has just passed but i sense another one around the corner and coming here and building models helps stop me from taking a baseball bat to certain managers that i know.

i’m sure TD3 will go ahead and i will feel better when i get my short holiday in september (celebrating my 50th then as well hence i am touring RAF Cosford Air Museum and Bovington Tank museum)

thanks for your support, i appreciate it.

@Tank_1812 @Klaus-Adler Those of us that herd cats for this hobby have to stick together.



@SSGToms Matt, sort of along these lines?


No Wade, in reality it’s more chaotic than that…


Well at least touring Cosford and Bovington makes up for some of the nonsense! (Been ages since I last went to Cosford, and a couple years since I hit the Tank Museum - I just wish they’d move it closer to my home…)

If I get past all my current fieldwork I might even build one of the far-too-many TD kits in my stash for this campaign! And no it won’t be a Davey Crocket-armed vespa…

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Well after all of the shenanigans, mind if enter with a SU122 54? Something a little different than the norm. For clarifications… I saw several sets of dates. What are the Official dates?

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yeah, sure thing, go for it mate.

I fear I may have started the thread down the slide by asking about a Mutt with a TOW, which I assumed would be a “no.” I’m sorry to have brought grief all around…

It might be interesting at some point to have a DIFFERENT campaign that accommodated all that wierd and wacky stuff, but if someone started that people would probably request to enter JagdPanzer Vs there :open_mouth:


Your missing a golden opportunity as it would have have a beauty and now the world might have to suffer my ham fisted attempt.

why don’t you organise it, you don’t have to be a moderator to submit a campaign proposal.

I was thinking of organizing something early next year. I had thought of doing halftracks but thought about expanding it to wacky vehicles toting large guns

Do we have a final set of dates in place yet?