You’re very kind. Will do. Enjoying your British Mustang too!
I’m concerned right now that the prop is too weathered compared to everything else. Hoping to rectify that with oils.
You’re very kind. Will do. Enjoying your British Mustang too!
I’m concerned right now that the prop is too weathered compared to everything else. Hoping to rectify that with oils.
I am getting ready to start my Mustang P-51A. Luckily the special hobby kits have the parts for both the Mustang I and II.
I am making it in Operation Thursday markings to fit my B-25 for another campaign. Planning to make them a couple on a shared stand.
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Really looking forward to seeing this one, Jesper! The CBI Mustangs are some of my all-time favorites. Such a fascinating story and neat camo scheme too!
Basic construction is done. As is often the case the Special hobby plastic parts need a lot of sanding. Still more filling and sanding to be done for sure.
I really do not like when the propeller is made by sticking propeller blades into holes in the spinner. No guidance and super difficult to align three blades with exactly the right angles in three panes.
The upside is that there are enough parts for a full additional mustang. Only some gear bay doors and an extra propeller is missing. There are even two times cockpit glass. I wonder if the eduard kits might supply spare parts….
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Looking good! The photo etch company PropBlur makes in flight options to replace your propellers in different scales. Perhaps a replacement option?1/72nd Off-Hub (Original) PropBlur PE Kit
Looking great Jesper!
As far as the props…I have several Accurate Miniatures Allison-engined Mustangs for which I bought aftermarket props. You’re welcome to the kit ones if you want them, assuming shipping to the EU isn’t prohibitive.
With a little work they can be thinned down and made quite convincing….I’m just lazy and would rather replace them outright lol.
Thanks for all the tips and tricks, guys! I will check out the propwash types - I will need it for the 1/72 B-25 that will be next to the mustang on the display.
@Spitfire, thanks for the offer. I checked my Eduard kits and there seems to be spares in those kits as well, so no need for you to ship. Thanks a lot for the offer
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Hi mates,
at last I will start my entry this weekend or next week…
Started painting some parts and interior before glueing…
Looking good!
Made some progress these days, interior plastic and decals are extraordinary well detailed…
Man, Arma has really raised the bar for 1/72 kits! I have yet to see a bad one.
A few years earlier, the P-51B/C from KP (CZ) was the benchmark, especially the cockpit interior. I built three of them since and they were fine kits, but Arma has bettered 'em for sure!
Well the EZ line is due soon from the mail box for the aerial. Calling this one done. I’m raising a glass to Eileen.
Eileen Aroon
Looks outstanding! Congrats.
My congrats, too! Fine build
Thank you all for looking in and the kind words. I ask that you please also post more photos of your work as well as this is how we all learn together, right?