The Road to Singapore: Australian gunners defeat tanks of the Japanese Imperial Guards near Bakri 18th January 1942

That’s looking really good Tim, I didn’t even need to refer back to your photo refs to recognise all the elements straight away. You’re probably already across this but there’s a marked contrast of colours between the taller trees & groundwork if there’s nothing in between, but a freestyle session with an airbrush & variety of darkish greens - fairly abstract - onto the backdrop should easily nail it all together. I’m not suggesting you change any of the existing colours, they’re excellent :tumbler_glass:

I’ve got to say that is stunning; ’ cannot wait for the emplacement of figures and tank etc.

I am so glad I major in Western Europe stuff - there’s simply no way I could pull something like this off; fantastic effort Tim - all that hard, innovative work has really paid off.

Nicely done Tim !!!
Is that sesame bloom used for the leafage on the trees ?

Awesome work! I am glad you managed to get some work done.
How did the exams go?

That’s looking really magnific, Tim.
The details areReally, this work that you have been doing is enviable, the vegetation is being incredible. Congratulations, Omar

Out-F…ing-Standing, as we used to say. Really beautiful work, your attention to detail is truly impressive.

Thanks Mal. Answering our own questions is a lot of what this hobby is about!

Thanks Tim.

I see what you are saying… and I agree that the colours look a little off in those last shots. I’m hoping that it’s just the lighting, although might also use the excuse that the trees are catching more of the sunlight…

As for the idea of taking an airbrush to the backdrop - I might try that when everything is finished. But this dio also has to be displayed at shows where there is no such luxury, so I have just tried to make the foliage as dense as possible. Quite how much work this required will become clearer in subsequent posts…

Thanks Boots.

Had I been in Europe, I might have been happy to cover the horsehair with some appropriate scatter and call it done. But jungle growth is so much more effort…

Thanks Cheyenne.

I wish I could have used something natural (and probably cheaper) like sesame bloom - but this stuff comes from MiniNatur.

I did cover the tree build on the old forum, but I will be re-posting here very soon…

Thanks golikell.

I’m glad to be back. As for the exams, we will have to wait until the results come out in a few weeks…

Thanks Bravo. Much appreciated. Hopefully I can keep it up!

New video is up on YouTube

What a great thread. The attention to detail is superb.

Yeah that foliage just looks bang on!!
Great work matey!

Saw it! Thanks Dan.

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Wow! I just love your work so far! It’s just great! /Erik

Amazing groundwork Tim, creating realistic tropical growth is, as you allude to, is so much more difficult than that of temperate climes, but you’ve nailed it, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Very very impressive!! Awesome work! :heart_eyes:

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New video about the battle is up!