Twin-engine bombers

Very interesting, Stephen, I will follow your build as I have the SpecialHobby kit still in my stash. Avoiding a tailsitter will be probably important. Good luck!

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Made some progress myself the last two days

So far good fit and the decals settled well on the raised instruments. I hope it will go on as smooth as yet… :crossed_fingers:


No pressure then ha!

I think there should be enough space in the nose for weight. Might be bit of room at the front of the engines too.

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A question to those who may know. what color would the bombay of a b-25 mitchell be? i’ve been researching it and so far most have been interior green, some bare metal and some look dark grey. of course these were all restored aircraft and no guarantee they’re correct.

Thanks -Joe

I don’t know, but my guess is it will depend on the era as interior colors transitioned through the war. What model? What year? Knowing that might help people who, unlike me, have actual knowledge.

b 25 j Mediterranean theater. not sure of the year but i assume some time after the invasion of Italy
1943 about.

Hi Joe,

Funny you should ask! While researching “Ruthie” for the MTO campaign a few years back I found out quite a bit. Since your doing “Meet Mrs Runyon” this is a Corsican bird. The B-25’s that arrived following the volcano eruption (ruined most of the B-25B’s) were NMF. The J varient replacements were pretty much new. It appears the bomb bays NMF from the factory didn’t get painted until, if at all till much later. The interiors did vary, though the cockpit and tailgunner areas were a darker version of interior green. The mid-area could be the interior green color, though my research found more were done in zinc cromate yellow. Looking something like this

Also, following a night air raid on the bases where NMF planes stood out like a sore thumb, the upper surfaces were painted green. The stocks on hand were believed to actually be RAF Dark green not OD. Given the environment of Corsica, these weathered very quickly. The old Monogram kit is really a great kit, and with the raised panel lines is more accurate as the B-25J had lapped panel lines, not recessed. A little work, and fun to be had indeed!

Hope this helps!



WOW, great info john, thanks. where did you find all this? i searched MMR b25 and b25 bombays, not much luck. i wasn’t sure where in Italy she was based. i was about to go with OD for the bombay but i guess i will go natural. i plan to do the converted gun nose version so i don’t know the time frame but i did find that these ships were converted then returned back to the original nose for some reason, if this is all accurate i don’t know. i would think then none had the glass nose painted over and i have seen gun noses in unpainted glass. i have dark green in a BOB paint set but is there good evidence of this paint? the picture i found the green didn’t look as dark as your build above. haven’t built this kit since i was 10, looking forward to the build. thanks for the info-


The front lower fusalage with pieces of scrape plastic glued into to openings for some forward windows that were not seen in the pictures I’ve seen of the Heyford so I wasn’t to upset that the clear parts were missing off their sprue along with one of the 4 round windows behind the cockpit

The front lower fusalage attached to the rear portion. notice the gap which was MUCH worse before a lot of filing

The engine pods and tailplane assembled


Looking good, Stevie! Very interesting build :slightly_smiling_face:

Assembly has begun. Top wing to the fusalage, then the engine assemblies then the bottom wing


Hi mates,
you all have great builds underway, I really enjoy this campaign! I made some progress with my jet-bomber, too :grinning:

The cockpit is a real greenhouse with multiple clear parts to join…
On the way I lost a PE part which should carry the instrument panel to the carpet monster :laughing: so I must scratch build it with thin plastic sprues :fearful:
I will need some more patience for sure :man_shrugging:
Peter :raising_hand_man:


Ready for paint.


Looks great so far! Looking forward to your paint job :nerd_face:

Fantastic scheme, looks really good, nice one. :clap::clap:

Hey guys some great builds and progress was made since I last posted update.

This time I decided to go out of my discomfort zone and finish earlier than in overtime :smiley:

After struggling with my PZL 37 I’m calling it finally done aftert this build almost knocked me dead. So here it is - a finished Łoś (Elk/Moose) bomber:

And some bonus shots of something I made to cover up my mistaeks… mistakes I mean :smiley: .
It’s the biggest stand I built so far… I had to hide mess ups of 3 builds after all :slight_smile: .


Looks ok to me. The bonus scene you’ve made is really nice and beautiful.

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Great builds and a beautiful and interesting diorama scene. It looks very realistic! Congrats! :ok_hand:

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Beautiful build, Radek. I love what you have done with a number of Polish early war aircraft in your diorama setting.

Stevie, looks good so far. really looking forward to see it with color. Really unusually looking aircraft!

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Some progress in the paint shop :nail_care: