Yes, that might work. I have printed the template out. There is no dimentions so it will have to be comparing the template to the model and guessing how much enlargement or rediuction will be required. It is very late in the build to add this tweak but might be fun to do and good practice for other projects.
I recall someone saying it is the correct size when printed.
I will talk to Norm about it. I am pretty sure home and Woody set it up so it’s works when printed and you don’t need to scale afterwards. Only issue I could see is the molding process of the plastic. Maybe cut on the outside of the line or a little bigger and sand/trim to fit.
Given the differences on computers, software, scanners & printers I have often found that print outs shift in size. That’s why I like hard dimensions to compare with the print out. The other way is to just cut the print out with scissors and try it on the model. That involves several extra steps as the model & the confuser are in separate buildings.
I hope there is a bit more in the box!
turret build only no space for the rest of it.
I thought you may have been going for the jack in the box version at first…
That only works for russian turrets I believe.
I am in. Not sure with what. Too many candidates unfortunately.
Jesper… you?
How can you have time for anything between running campaigns??
I have decided I really need to finish a Tiger I that has been lingering in a box for some years now.
Current state:
Playing with the set up:
Another tiger in the line up - nice Ron.
Small steps Reynier. That is all you need to take to get to the end.
I’ve had the model on the shelf for 4 or 5 years, painting it only in 2020, maybe. Then a few months ago, I wanted to strip the paint and repaint it, to pair it up with my 1/100 T-34-76 (1940) that I did the same to at that time. Is this valid to join with?
That certainly is valid. Stripped back is the same as not being painted at all. Welcome.
Alright, I’ll make an entry post with the date later today. Excited to finish up my models before I move!