Vietnam 60

Some MEDEVAC Hueys were fitted with M60’s as well…



As I recall medical equipment can have defensive weapons, not offensive. I don’t recall seeing to many Dustoff with any weapons.


there were two types of medical evacuations, ‘medevacs’ and “dustoffs” dustoffs were allowed to be armed medevacs were unarmed as far as i recall.


They even but a mini gun in the nose. While correct for a UH-1B not for a medical bird of either type. More bad research from HB. That said the kit has very strong Italeri vibes. I am sure you can swap most parts with no issues.

As I’m no expert it’s hard for me to tell which is which looking at period pics… :roll_eyes:


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HB issued the same kit with different decals a few times. Not sure how accurate each variant is, but you do get lots of spare weapons for the spares box.
I suspect they added the rockets on the box art to make it look more exciting.


I plan to do an unarmed medevac. I haven’t even split the cellophane yet, but looking at the instructions on scalemates, it seems like all the armament is optional (but maybe filling some attachment points will be required?


I can only comment on what I saw in lll Corps area in 1970. Never saw a “Red Cross” marked chopper with any weapons, not even door gunners. A couple of times aircraft I was on (for routine flight to FSB’s) was diverted to pick up injured troops in the field. So I guess you could call it a MEDEVAC mission, but we were aboard a standard UH-1 with door gunners w/no Red Cross markings. Maybe other commands had different procedures regarding armed medical aircraft, I don’t know, but doubt any would allow rocket pods.


I think JCavanaugh @SFCJJC summed up the distinction quite well, a dustoff was any available chopper that could expedite retreival of combat wounded the quickest, a medivac chopper was a dedicated aircraft with the sole mission of medical evacuation.
Nice catch David @Klaus-Adler, I would have never questioned the box art.

Cajun :crocodile:


hello, my entry for this campaign:


Change of plans on my front!
I got my hands on a relatively cheap M113 ACAv from academy, so I’ll be doing that one, probably OOTB.

Progress after one clubmeeting:


Off to a good start on an M113A1 ACAV. One thing to note, the Academy has an A2 interior. The most notable difference is the front wall/engine cover on A1s were one piece, not two-piece like on the Academy A2. Tamiya’s M113 kits have the one-piece front wall/engine cover.




Thanks for the correction! I wonder; Tamiya has a small fuel tank, whereas Academy has a big one? Shoud I use the small one instead?
Oh and apparently no heater either.

It could be either fuel tank, they changed during the M113A1 lifespan. Only very early ones had the smaller fuel tank.

The heater could be removed, so not a required piece.

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Unless it’s a winter Grafenwoehr or Hohenfels! LOL!


Time to start this campaign. Initially I was going to participate with an AFV Aussi Centurion, but I´m not motivated for a «trillion» AFV parts right now so it will be a M151A1 instead.


A few hours at the bench and it looks like this. The Legend set is a huge disapointment with warped and details far below what I was expecting. The sandbags are okay, but will need some Milliput since I wanted my M151 to be a USMC vehicle with a snorkle. The kit itself went together like Lego.


I’ll be watching this close as I have both the kit and Legend set.

Thanks for posting Erik,



A few hours at the bench tonight and progress is made. I choose to use the original wheels over Legends, since I think they look better…
I also sculpted some Milliput into the sandbags on the left side of the vehicle for better fit of the snorkel.
Usually I´m not a big fan of action scenes when modelling, but when i found Master Box «Charlie on the left» I thought it was too cool not to buy. I built the three man crew (at least most of them) for the M151 and one unlucky Viet Cong fighter who unfortunatly stands in the way of a couple of 5.56x45 mm…
The Master Box figures are well detailed, but the flak jackets should be a bit more voluminous since they are hard to see on the figures. I might try to improve them a bit with putty. Otherwise the MB kit has plenty of extra equipment as helmets, boonie hats and weapons. On the pictures wheels and figures are just tacked on and I´m pretty sure everything will look much nicer when glued. Summerized, I really enjoy this build so far.

And a M151A1 with a .50 just for reference. I know this is an Army vehicle, but I would be surprised if not the Marines tried something similar.


Okay, so I went «full retard»… My initial plan was not to include the wire cutter and the fording exhaust, but it happened. I blame internet and cool pictures. Further on I added sand bag armor to the rear. This is included in the Legend set and needed a bit of modification to fit when the rear seat is installed. That job took 2 minutes.
Further on I wired the radio and worked a bit more on the figure. I decided to add another VC and finished most of the vehicle crew. Basically that included mag pouches, grenades, sidearms etc. The M-16 with the guy in the vehicle took som time since I had to cut of the pistol grip and parts of the lower to fit the figures hand.