What did you do in your modeling workshop today?



So many well thought out details and options inside and outside! Forward & aft looking radar is just a teaser.

Amazing build with diligence Mike, major Kudos :clap:

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Well, I’d been fiddling around for a while trying to get the iridescent effect of laser filter lenses while maintaining an optically flat surface, meaning one that’s smooth & flat with no waviness or irregularities as in a pane of plate glass. I found some iridescent mylar that gave the effect I wanted but couldn’t get it to bond to anything.
Thought to search for iridescent acrylic & while it seems to be the same mylar I already have it’s well attached to the acrylic, much better than I ever managed.
I cut a strip from the sheet with a bandsaw and finish to size in my tabletop mill taking care to cut toward the mylar so as not to pull it away from the acrylic.


WOW That’s a pretty cool idea, though I admit. Alot more work than I would be able to do. I’m good just to scratch build some parts like I am getting ready to do with the Tamiya T-72M-1 project that I’m trying to finish up.



Looks good I got to see a lot of these in Afghanistan with the britts during OP Herrick.

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Without the mill I wouldn’t have gotten half the work done I managed to do over this extended holiday period. Prior to getting it I would plan something that needed machining and have to wait until I was at work to fit it in at sometime during the day, not to mention coworkers giving a sideways glance for sneaking in a “g-job”.
Now I just need the bandsaw at work to cut a strip of acrylic to finish off at home for the CWS periscopes.


Son use to work on the ATO ones, and quads out their, on the rebuilding side, in the patrol bases.


It certainly sounds like you know what you’re doing. I know I would be clueless. LOL. Keep up the good work

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Thanks ! Everyone has their knowledge base & strengths and weaknesses, at the rate I finish kits my finishing skills are pretty weak.

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The Tiger 1 jack in the spares box was in rough condition and had nasty sink marks.

Replacement attempt…

The kit jack…


LOL. BOY. Don’t I know that feeling. But then I did suffer a bad loss So I have an excuse…LOL. No but seriously. I had to quit for a little bit in order to readjust to loosing my wife and then having to move. BUT I’ve gotten past the worst part. And I’m getting back to work. Now I just need to make myself keep moving forward on these two and the FGA-9 That’s been stalled for almost a year v

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Completed two shelf queens for the ‘Unfinished Business 2023’ campaign.

Meng Renault FT

Dragon M4A4 with Legends Flail conversion

More pics here:

The figures were supposed to be my entry in the ‘Your figure just keeps on improving’ build, but I accidentally deleted the pre-paint pics I had! C’est la vie


Love that flail!


Cleaned up/organized my workbench between projects. Never stays clean/organized long once a project gets started.


Step by step scratch building parts for my Tamiya T-72M-1


Very Cool !!! I Like that. I enjoy scratch building parts for tanks. It gives the mod more details, and the method improves ones skills.


You have any pre-painted pics. Even if not fully assembled.

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Hi Dagger1959,

I am fond of T-72 tanks and scratch building of missing details, just like you. The Tamiya kit is great to work on, but let me have two helping comments:

  • the two tightening metal things on the front fenders look way too fat for me in the scale you build, I would re-do it using much thinner wire (perhaps fine solder wire or carefully bent plastic)
  • you can also consider to add the missing fuel hose to the last section of the right fender. This is usually missing from every kit I built.
    Like I did on this photo:


T72M WIP_00 | My 1/35 Hungarian T-72M scale model made of Tr… | Flickr

I hope these comments may help you!




Only the one showing the sprues:

This is the remaining two figures on the sprue: