35-40F was about the temperature I had, ice gets real slippery when wet
Yes but for around these parts that normal complaining weather as it should be nicer. For him, it’s a Tuesday.
I’ve been procrastinating on these 3D tie down loops the front of the Alpha for about a week now.
I discovered through trail and error the easiest way to remove them from the sheet was with a fresh scalpel blade.
I started out using the black Starbond glue to fasten them because I was worried about “work time” but quickly changed to the medium thick stuff to fasten them as I got faster.
I’ll never use PE tie downs again, if I can avoid them.
I guess we’ll see how they survive after I get some paint on them.
Edited to add:
I lost about 25% of them in the process and broke the shifter off the dash and one of the guide horns from the spare track.
And I smushed down the proud ends.
Al @Arch-Stanton and everyone else in fact, I saw these footman loops on TL a few weeks back, they look better than any PE’d I’ve seen or even ones that have to be shaved off, they even have pins and a template for drilling as well as a placement tool . . . [CHINO MODEL]Footman loop set (welding type1) (1/35)[CM-098A] | eBay
Those are pretty cool, @agincajun
If I’m understanding this correctly, the handle part is made on the loop and you clip the handle off after the loops are secured in place?
Revisions, revisions, revisions…
Revision to the revision per @ petbat’s submission. … BETTER!
Thank’s again Peter!
The tool is component to the loop but separates easily, they are suceptible to water or solvents so thats something to consider along with being rather pricey . . . on the flip side, if working on something like the gun tub of say an M42 Duster they might pay for themselves, I used PE loops and it was exhausting.
Here’s more pics from TL . .
That is an interesting way to deliver bombs. I guess it makes sense if the delivery method is separate from the storage, but why not just manually load directly into the launch tubes? (I’m just trying to logic through this interesting setup, not complaining about your build, which is great)
Ha ha. Great minds have discussed this very thing:
Okay, makes sense. where would the launch tubes be then, more precisely?
Singular tube (or drop chute)… As bombs are loaded onto the carousel they are rotated and gradually tipped-over (one by one). When a bomb becomes aligned with the tube (chute) it is released and exits through the ship’s lower hull. HTH.
—mike …
Watching the WEC 1000 miles of Sebring. It’s 8 hours or 1000 miles, whatever comes first.
And screwing around with the M548 Alpha.
Magach got sprayed with a clear matt. Hope to continue weathering this afternoon.
Tiran lower hull and wheels also got a matt coat. Hope to mount the wheels this evening. Meanwhile work continues on the turret.
Hope to have pictures of loth later tonight.
Finished AMT’s 1963 Stingray kit. Not a good kit. No good locator pins or attachment points for the engine, and quite frankly my experience has been none of their engines fit all that well especially when it comes to having the lid close properly. Definitely had a better time with Revell’s 1967 Corvette.
Now on to finish Revell’s 1970 Firebird.
Nice photo Al @Arch-Stanton! How do you feel about IndyCar series, these little cars are so cool in the 1:1.
Working on Fury today.
One the slate in the background is Red dawn and Behind Enemy Lines.