What did you do in your modeling workshop today?

But that is what makes it so different and appealing!


It is rather stylish and good looking.
It started as a smaller tank with a smaller turret
which then got a new, larger and heavier, turret with a 75 mm gun which
was an ex AA gun so it had some punch.
They were in armoured formations until 1967 and then served as infantry
support in the infantry brigades to 1984.
It had good performance, except the side slope allergy …

The chassis came from the older Strv 42 which was armed with a shorter 75 mm gun


@SSGToms Matt & @petbat Peter, thank you for the kind comments. I’m happy with the “N” and the Mr Paint RAL 7027.

Attempting to do ground work…

…the Mig Mud/Earth definitely made less mess than celu-clay/plaster and dirt mix did…:blush:


Waiting on ground work to dry, very bored so started a figure…

It’s pretty terrible but maybe better than my last two?

Laughing is OK :smiley:


I’m laughing with you, not at you! :rofl:



Darn, I love the looks of this hideous thing!
I want one too!


I dared venture where I have gone before…a log, long time before…
One Sherman crew; done.
One Australian guard; done.
One Tigercrew; in progress.
One SAS beachlandingparty; in progress.


The last two pictures look as if an 8-year old got hold of mommys make-up set and went wild with the eye shadow palette …
:rofl: :rofl:


playing with oils :slight_smile:


After classes were done and we had a brief staff meeting to introduce some new admin who I have already forgotten but I’m sure I will be reminded the second I do anything untoward. Wife and youngest came home early feeling rundown and both were asleep so I managed to put down pretty much all the major paint on my NX-2000 Excelsior build.

I am going to put a gloss seal on the subassemblies, then decals, then assembly.

This is not a kit for someone who is a non-modeler fan of Trek and gets a yen to start building these Polar Lights/AMT kits, especially if they started with the snap-togethers. The biggest problem lies in the fact that they released this and then choked on the supply of Aztec decals, but even without those Aztecs the included decal sheet could at least give the non-modeler a chance and include the blue panels such as on the top of the saucer and the wings of the warp engine pylon. The masking is a PITA and a newbie will not enjoy this at all, but if you want it to look right you have no choice. Claims to be skill level 2. Out of what, 2?

I have the Enterprise-B kit but unless a source for Aztecs and all other markings becomes available I don’t see myself going through this again anytime soon.

They are not helping their reputation on decals, I must say. They either provide ones that break apart or are difficult to place or they don’t provide ones that can actually help a level 2 achieve a reasonable facsimile of the vessel.

Also the internet was not the best help in sorting out the correct color scheme; there seem to be a few interpretations, I just went with the provided palette as in the end this is supposed to be fun and unless someone who knows better drops by no one will be the wiser and it will be what it will be. So, some markings may be off dimensionally or not colored as you may remember so if that bothers you should repeat to yourself that it’s just a show and you should really just relax…


I couldn’t leave well enough alone and started working my Tamiya JSU-152 last night. Nothing to really to show at this point as I have added some of the running gear bits. I plan to add some texture to the lower hull. Since I have the aftermarket track basically done, I hope to finish the build “quickly”, not trying to race to finish it (basic construction at least) this extended weekend for the club meeting Monday night. Currently planning on building tank 43 from the kit.


That finish is coming on really nicely- you’ve done a fantastic job.


Strongly recommend you run away if unarmed and see either of those two butt pirates in a dark alley :skull_and_crossbones:

:grinning: :wink:

@justsendit Michael, they are so bad even the trash man won’t take them!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:


More little styrene details on the Sherman.

Mainly filling up the seam between the front glacis and transmission cover, adding the lips on the sides of the hull and fashioning a thicker and longer stowage plank up front.


Well todays airbrushing session didnt go well at all. Its been some time since I last tore down paint like this. Dont know what went wrong yet, but its fixable.


Wade! I hope you remember that each type of track has its own drive sprocket.
13 teeth - OMSH.
14 teeth - RMSH.
You have OMS tracks. The number of teeth is correct - 13.
Judging by the reviews of modelers, this may be a low-quality product from FriulModels.


Vlad, Fruil includes a new sprocket these days I think. I bought my set ~20 years ago, probably before it was realized there’s an issue.

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Now the reason is approximately clear.
Have you already received the package with MiniArt?


Replaced the pulley cable and printed the corrected bumper codes on “Queenie” my M577. Failed to remove the Battalion number as I’d sealed it.
Happy with my new printer.