What the postman brought today (Armorama)

I have a different version - it will be “Indian” :grin:

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Stefan makes great accessories! :ok_hand:

Thanks. The one set does have to made into a really funny shape. An included jig would have been helpful here.
When I’m ready I’ll tackle it. Somewhere I’ve got the mk.1 with Valentine turret in the stash. So what I learn from one will help with the other.

It’s a beast of a thing isn’t it!
Will be interesting to see that in the Indian markings.

Inspirational stuff this 3rd Reich '46 What-iffery:


No doubt there will be a worldwide run on MiniArt scale products. Just fulfilled my latest desires with these two beauties.

Check with Brian at Scale Reproductions in Louisville if you can’t find them elsewhere.

Word is there are 2-3 more containers of MiniArt products already on the water heading for the US!


Have also ordered the Tempo 400 tricycle “truck” from MiniArt at my LHS yesterday. He’s still getting it but that will be one of my last kits from them, I’m afraid.

Even the CEO of Eduard in CZ wrote in his monthly newsletter, that we should buy from ICM, MiniArt, and other ukrainian model companies in this dreadfull situation to stand with them.



Also if anyone else is feeling the need, SRI in Louisville still has one copy of MiniArt’s Tricycle Delivery Truck and one of the 4-wheel delivery truck plus both versions of the Chevy 1 & 1/2 ton 2-axle trucks! (Just saw these today 3/8/22) in the store.)

AND . . . .
One more of that 4-axle heavy German Railroad Plattformwagon from Sabre. (Sorry but I already bought the six axle version!)

p.s. I have NO business association with SRI, what-so-ever; other than to tell you it is one of the best all-round hobbyshops you are ever likely to encounter!
Model planes, trains, armor, cars plus R/C and a full selection of paints and construction materials!


Here is list of the known UA and Russian companies we not be see any new products from anytime soon.

Does anyone know if MiniArt and ICM do their actual kit production, (injection molding, printing and packaging) in the Ukraine or in the Far East?

Usually I would wish that they would do their production locally for the good of their county but now (I never thought I would be saying this.) I hope their production was in the Far East as that means all those fine molds and patterns are safe and all the company has to do is pack up their computers and get the heck out of there!

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I was wondering the same thing, as long as their people and data are safe it might be as easy as setting up a new office in Poland or CZ or elsewhere

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This was to be my last order of supplies, allowing me to finally finish a model.

Unfortunately, after purchasing these items, I decided to use oil paints for final weathering. Then I discovered that all the Odorless Mineral Spirits in the garage had evaporated over the last 12 years. Oh well. More waiting…

I have one of those old Dragon E100s sitting on top of the pile, mostly built up from about 13 years ago.


A little something for the my new Tamiya Kettenkraftrad and Jeep.

Waiting on the Eduard set to arrive before building.


Studying the instructions for the Lanz Bulldog Tractor from MiniArt.

Based on what I see in the instructions and the two rather large covered flywheels, I am guessing this employed a massive one cylinder kerosene or diesel “hit n’ miss” engine???

I will have to do some research.

The kit engineering and molding design is BEYOND EXCELLENT on this one.

The hard rubber tires even have raised sidewall lettering!

Let’s hear it for MiniArt: Hip, Hip . . . . .


Hip, Hip…

Another package showed up today. This was another impulse purchase.

My inner little kid loves the idea of building a small model truck with over 500 pieces. Based on my reading, the only significant issue with the model is that it lacks a decal for the instrument panel. If you own a model company, please put instrument panel decals in every model with such a panel. Please. We must all wait to see if the somewhat bigger and older kid can handle building this thing.

The seller shipped the model in a plastic mailing bag with no padding and the box received a pretty good thrashing. The parts seem intact and since I am building, not collecting, the damaged box is not an issue. However, if any sellers are reading, shipping a model in a bag without padding is a good way to risk making an angry customer.



I scratch/converted this same Mercedes vehicle some years before this particular kit ever came out. However I tried recently to build this MiniArt version and just the frame proved too tedious for my tastes. MiniArt got their/my money but the kit still sits in my stash with the frame only partly started.

Just my personal experience ~ Your results may vary.

I am currently building the Miniart Ya-12 (Early) and so have a pretty good idea of what lies ahead with the L1500A–check alignment again and again and again or risk disaster.


Got a Panzer 38D kit to mate with a Kugelblitz turret. This was the Germans ultimate plan for the Kugelblitz.

Also picked up a few brand new adversary kits while the getting was good.

The new Zvezda kit is absolutely beautiful.


@SSGToms, nice scores there! I’m liking those modern Russian AFVs. Javelin bait! :wink:

Had a few more additions to my stash over the past week or so. For the jeep that was gifted to me I picked up this nice crew figure set

and for my one of my 80’s Cold War US tanks…


Those MP’s remind me of the bridge scene in the movie The Battle of the Bulge.