What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Super fast shipping from Wanamaker~! M60 AVLB conversion 3D printed!
Got it today:

Haven’t checked all the parts yet.

By the way, does anyone have the photos of Pawel’s (Vodnik’s) M60 AVLB build by chance? His gallery is no longer working.


Hi James. Have you tried using the 'WayBack Machine" to see if they have a back up of the url?

Just copy the URL you are trying to open and paste that in the search field. If there is a back up, it will show a line in the years it was backed up. Click on that, then search for a blue circle on a day of the month. Click on that, then the time stamp that pops up, and if you are lucky, the pic will be there:

Sometimes you need to check different dates.

Scratch that. It is all on his own webpage:

There are 2 links on the page to go to his WIP pics too.



Received a care package from the lovely people at BNA Modelworld today.

The Topolino will become a vehicle used by Bulgarian military that I have had in planning a long time. I have the Tamiya Simca version, but I needed the Fiat one…

I have wanted a M41 Walker Bulldog for ages, but always opted for something else. After riding in one at AusArmourfest back in August …
…I just had to get the kit - ex Skybow AFV Club issue:

Wheels and Dashboard for the Scammell Pioneer artillery tractor in the stash. Also got the beautiful Magic Models Lewis gun barrel for my Ford Model T LCP.

Lastly some mesh for the engine deck of my Matilda Frog, some Bofors ammo cans for the LVT4 with Bofors I am currently working on and some Nagmachon chains for the side armour. I’m a bit non-plus with these. I had expected that with 3d printed chains I have seen elsewhere, the chains would be loose links, not printed in straight joined lengths as they need sag for on the vehicle



Hi Peter,
One note: Skybow Walker Bulldog kit is actually not the same as AFV Club’s offering.
I have both kits in my stash, and I dare to say that the Skybow kit is a bit better - out of production now though.

Thanks. I had previously read they were the same kit, or at least parts were. The PMMS Review on the M42 Duster:

Never believe everything you read or hear.

I don’t know the granular details as to some parts may be shared between the two but Skybow kit includes a mantlet cover, better looking jerry cans, and a few additional details - if I remember correctly.
Btw, thank you so much for the links to Vodnik’s AVLB builds!
When I go to his home page, https://vodnik.net/index.htm, it just gives me an error message…

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yeah, that address is missing the triple w and P1
https: //www.vodnik.net/p1/index.html

Some paints for my son:

He’s building the MENG TS-017 A7V…


Well, it ain’t my Iwata Revolution, Neo or TRN2, but for $43 with free shipping, I couldn’t resist.

There’s probably a scathing review of it somewhere on this site.


Banner day here in the Stanton household:
Scarfed up an M60 and some other accoutrements via Sprue Bros lightening deal, thanks to @Armorsmith

And more Pionieren Panzer madness from the big dumb auction platform. Last of the PSM 1/3 of list price buys on there from a dude in Georgia.

Who don’t love armored engineering vehicles?

BTW, the pumpkin bread is delicious.


I believe the AFV Club M41G, not the M41A3, is the ex-Skybow kit. Accurate Armour says to use that for their M41DK conversion.

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Oh, showing me the M60A3 kit AND pumpkin bread at 0800 on a Sunday morning, that’s not fair! Add a cup of coffee and you’ve got a treadhead’s dream.
I grabbed the same Spruebrothers deal - mine will be here this afternoon. No pumpkin bread though. I’ll have to talk to the household 6 about that.
Great grab on the PSM kit!


I noticed that Sprue Bros. jacked up the price to $50. Was $31 to low or did too many people jump on it?

Don’t know the reason behind it, but they simply dropped the Lightning Deal price; $50.49 is their regular price. Perhaps they sold too many; I’m sure they have a threshold. I’m wondering why they just didn’t take it down.
Mine just arrived.

I’m guessing that they had ordered too many of M60A3 dozers and wanted the thin their stock.

The lightening deal pricing makes me sure that the mark up on a lot of their plastic kits is in the neighborhood of 40-60%. No way they’re selling anything at a loss, even with the “lightening deal” thing.

Their damaged box kits are a deal, too, when you can catch them.

Edited to add: @SSGToms The Wife’s hobby is baking and she’s very good at it. I’m a lucky dude.

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Yes you are a lucky dude. Pumpkin bread and banana bread are my all time favorites!

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Hobby Link US M113 AVLB is here!

Alas, the pumpkin bread is almost gone….



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