What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Direct, email and more photos at https://armorama.com/news/foxhopp-models-zil-2906

It is an interesting kit and I like their printing.


Ok, Thanks

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I bet the guy that took that pic of the Soviet with the pistol wishes he had copyrighted it… he and his family would have been set for life!

Interesting couple of releases.

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It builds pretty good… The only things I did extra was cutting open the rear door and adding the stirage bins to the rear, as I wanted to build Golikell (dunno why :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )


Something I use to watch land (RAF Abingdon ) as a kid, then mothballed, as not needed anymore.


See the source image


Even though its probably not the right forum, I can still appreciate a kit like the Sea Vixen. The early Cold War aircraft had such character. This one I could be tempted to buy too.

Just do it, we let enough go by, that we wish we had done.

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Too true…

Neat jet. Saw a Vampire fly at a local airshow three years ago and since then have had a soft spot for these twin boom jets.


Latest purchase…I couldn’t resist the ugliness of this vehicle :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This ‘Infini Model Type A Easy Cutting Mat’ arrived a couple of weeks ago.

I was a bit skeptical at first, but thought I’d give the mat a try. Here’s a quick test-run with a fresh scalpel blade… Pretty happy with these cuts! :grinning:



Casting seems like the same … , but with very very nice details …


Yes, if anything, the moulding seems a little worse than mine in places, especially the engine deck grills, but the resin is mixed a lot better than mine:

Some was really bad, but a lot were also hidden behind other parts:

My version also had a lot of warped and broken pieces. They pack the bags with too much and too little packaging to stop movement - I suggest you take out smaller easier to break parts and put them in separate bags.

Scratch building was required as some parts were too warped and too flimsy to correct:


The postman also comes to me (or rather, in our village you have to travel yourself).

This is certainly not armor, but not aviation. But in 1/35


Never realised those Nikes were used up to 88 when I was in BAOR… were they used just in the US ?

No. Nike Hercules - Wikipedia
A couple accidental launches in Asia.


Interesting read … :+1:

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Very cool missile. There’s a former launch site about five miles from where I’m sitting right now. It was decommissioned while I was in High School.
It was located next to Washington, DCs Lorton Penitentiary, that had been in Virginia since the previous century. The prison also closed, but much later

Nike Site W64

To compare that my old conv. mk.7 looks way better than … :confused: